Post Match Reaction Thread (Please post in here)


We played well. No Ambition, but Mancini had a game plan that has already paid dividends this season, so it is no surprise we tried it again.

Micah didn't need to make that tackle, but the fact that people who have championed him over the past month are not vilifying him is laughable.

We played thursday, and understandably we lagged in the last 10-15 mins.

Lets move on. No point crying over split milk.
I am getting worried we are going to implode and some of Mancinis buys are not up to the pressure at this moment.
Kolorov and Dzecko are the ones in question on todays performance.
I like the manager but he is in danger of losing his credibility by having Balotelli in his squad never mind getting game time.
On Thursday he spoilt alot of peoples season as i was convinced we were going all the way to Dublin.
Glad weve got two weeks to regroup and have a right go in the last ten games.
mike channon´s windmill said:
waspish said:
Love these threads after a defeat it picks me up and puts me in a positive frame of mind!

I'm not worried one bit about us! If we had Tevez and the team hadn't played a game for weeks, this game was still going to be tough and Chelsea hot favorites! What we do need in the squad is players with pace and this is what we should be looking at in the summer!

WHY DO WE NOT HAVE PLAYERS WITH PACE NOW!? Not exactly short of a bob or two are we and we´ve had 2 transfer windows to address it.
Anyway let´s get them in and make a real assault on the Europa League and Carling Cup

One word......Mancini!

He has filled the team with slow players, he still hasnt grasped that teams need pace in this league! Still thinks he is managing in Serie A!
mcfcirlam said:
I am getting worried we are going to implode and some of Mancinis buys are not up to the pressure at this moment.
Kolorov and Dzecko are the ones in question on todays performance.
I like the manager but he is in danger of losing his credibility by having Balotelli in his squad never mind getting game time.
On Thursday he spoilt alot of peoples season as i was convinced we were going all the way to Dublin.
Glad weve got two weeks to regroup and have a right go in the last ten games.

if you are saying that balotelli should never play for city again,you are clueless..........
I really shouldn't post on the boards in the direct aftermath of a defeat. Still pissed at Richards though but I've decided he's no longer a useless ****. When you're going for a 0-0 it only takes one lapse of concentration and it fucks it up. There was no need for the tackle he made, if he can cut that part of his game out we could have one of the best right backs in the world.

I wish sometimes we could play more like that home match against Arsenal though. I know we lost 0-3 but for the first 60 minutes considering we were down to 10 men we were outstanding.
im really dissapointed not because we got beat but with the style of play sitting back and hoping for a 0.0 .i want to watch my team attcking and trying to win because with the players we have we should be scoring more.There doesnt seem to be any plan b when we do go a goal down and its getting that way that when the opposition does score thats it we are beat.we are so boring to watch i like mancini as a person but hate this style of play and fear his days may be numbered.will we beat the rags if we play defensive ?probably not we have to attack that is our strength play johnson left tevez right and dzeko through the middle and in midfield milner dejong and yaya toure lets start having a go otherwise we wont win anything common mancini get it sorted out.
mike channon´s windmill said:
waspish said:
Love these threads after a defeat it picks me up and puts me in a positive frame of mind!

I'm not worried one bit about us! If we had Tevez and the team hadn't played a game for weeks, this game was still going to be tough and Chelsea hot favorites! What we do need in the squad is players with pace and this is what we should be looking at in the summer!

WHY DO WE NOT HAVE PLAYERS WITH PACE NOW!? Not exactly short of a bob or two are we and we´ve had 2 transfer windows to address it.
Anyway let´s get them in and make a real assault on the Europa League and Carling Cup

Yeah it's baffling that we haven't gone for players with pace? This is how you win games away from home! We beat Chelsea last yeah because we had Bellamy on the left! If we had him today I feel we could of scored a goal or two not saying we would of won but we would of caused more of a threat! Even SWP could of played today WE NEED PACE in the side
I will probably be called negative,or clear off to another forum but to be honest I really don't care anymore.Never been sure about Mancini and after today I am more convinced then ever we will never win anything with him in charge.His policy is not to lose at any costs,he is strangling any attacking play out of the players.

And I am fed up with the excuses players are tired,tevez was out, he went there for a draw with no intent on attacking play,his tactics are boring and negative and I for one am sick of it.We defended very well for most of the game but offered nothing up front.Our record this season against the other four of the top five teams is not good reading.

The man obviously as no faith in the players to play that sort of football,losing I can accept but at least go down fighting.And some may not want to hear this but I fear that if he plays the same tactics at Wembley I can only see defeat for us.
Re: In 44 years i can't remember us being so BORING

Goater666 said:
Pearce season was a lot worse. This is pretty shit though.
But was the Pearce season worse? We had no money and no expectations then but the last 3 seasons we've spent a shedload of money and naturally have higher expectations. And yet we're still watching turgid crap.
I need something to convince me that Balotelli should play again.
I believe in giving a second chance but this guy seems to be too difficult to handle, unhappy and lack of interest.

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