Post Match Reaction Thread (Please post in here)

Pretty unhappy about the way we approached the game after a good first 20 mins.
We missed Tevez more than I thought we would and I thought we would miss him a lot!
Due to all the bookings we got the defence coudnt risk a tackle for there second and the first was from a daft free kick given away in the worst place possible for a cross.
I didn't expect a win today but we didn't really ask many questions of Chavs.
Credit to them they played well louize(sp) was fantastic wish we got him.
When will Mancini dump this muppet?......

Week in week out there is one person letting the side down, and although he has a sweet left foot it really is not worth him being on the pitch....


He dumped us out of the Europa League (letting Kiev score the first goal over there), and now he has single handedly lost one of the most important matches of the season against Chelsea.....

I'm not a Bridge fan (he can only play the ball with his left foot) but Im looking on at West Ham thinking I wish he was back playing with us!!!

I know Mancini bought him but, but he has to learn to understand he has got it wrong now and again.

Am I the only one thinking this???
Re: Richards


Oh the irony. You probably voted for him too
Moral of this story is .........don't fucking buy anything from Italy ever again! Corradi, Bianchi, Kolarov, Balotelli,... fucking bunch of wank footballers, unbelievable soft huh!
I thought we played very well for 70 mins..personally I would have gone with a more attack minded formation after 60 mins because we were frustrating Chelsea and I think the game was there for us had we gone for it...sitting back for the last 20 mins is what cost's too dangerous against opponents of this calibre.

Having said that, at the moment, we do not look like we have enough going forward...too slow and predictable...the remaining games of the season will be nailbiters...and not just for us.

Plenty of points to play for and regardless of your opinion of the manager, players etc that's what we have until the season is done so let's stay behind the team.
I hate to say it but I am now part of the Mancini out club. We can't go looking for a draw at Chelsea and at most of the top 4. 8 games to go and with spurs catching up I am worried, we spend alot and they spend hardly and it could be 1 point difference if they win their game in hand. Get the special one.
Re: Richards

Don's be stupid. Have you watched us recently- been one of our best and most consistent performers! They deserved to win anyway.
alibobs36 said:
can i be first,its sad because our back four were brilliant today but they scored from their first real chance,wish we had signed Luiz instead of Boatenge of Kolorov

Back 3 were brilliant,Kolarov is utter wank.

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