Post Match Reaction Thread (Please post in here)

Danny St.helens CTID said:
Sorry to say it but Mancini has to go, I'm sick to death of seeing us play like that and here's his reaction " I think that we played well, we earn 200k a week but played 3 days ago, so just Like normal people we can't work for more than 90 mins every 3 days" bullshit!!! Back 4 and nige superb going forward absolutely shocking Barry runnin in treacle, and I'm sorry but I can't see top 4 now dzeko will come good and showed good signs today but will never work up top on his own, yes Ino tevez was out but he would of still played with one, for my £500 for season ticket and nearly £3000 later over the year I expect more than that entertainment wise

I have to say i am in total agreement with you.
mike channon´s windmill said:
Chippy_boy said:
I'm afraid I agree.

You see the problem is that yesterday we were not particularly unlucky. The ref wasn't particularly bad. Our play wasn't signignificantly below par. Dzeko's first touch hadn't mysteriously and uncharacteristically lost him. Barry's pace hadn't mysteriously gone. It wasn't "just not our day".

No, this was a normal game. All of the above things ARE true, but they always are like this. There was nothing unusual about it. Played again we'd lose it another 8 times out of 10, scrape a draw in 1 and fluke a win in the other.

The bottom line is we are just not good enough. We can debate the reasons, but we are consistently bad. The odd moments of attacking brilliance - or even competence - are the exception, not the norm.
Agree - some of our players are just not good enough - the question has to be begged with so much cash at our disposal - WHY aren´t they good enough? Mancini or Marwood?

I don't think its the players. Don't get me wrong, they are not all Messi that's for sure. And we paid over the odds for most of them because of the situation we are in - i.e. we were not a particularly appealing club for an outsider to want to join. So we have overpaid and we have also attracted - by and large players motivate by cash.

But still, it's not the players. They are good enough and for the most part are trying their hardest. I am sure its the way we are set up and what we are asking our players to do. Take Milner for example. Not the most skillful of players for sure, but works his socks off and will run up and down all day. A player who would get into most if not all Premiership squads in my view. A box to box midfielder who can run and tackle and pass and shoot a bit. But his lack of skill and pace means he can hardly ever beat a man. So where do we play him? On the bloody wing where he can't get past any left back in the league and he manages 0.01 crosses per game. Does my bloody head in.

I am no tactical genious, but there are countless other bizarre choices. I mean, Dzeko needs service, right? One of the best headers of the ball, right? So why on earth is Johnson on the bench? And when we do bring him on, why isn't he on the left? I know Mancini likes wingers swapped over, but surely not when you want crosses played in to a 6 foot 4 front man, handy in the air. Get Johnson sprinting down the wing, banging crosses in at speed WITH HIS LEFT FOOT. Surely? Has Mancini never seen Bale playing at Spurs?

I could go on.
Eastlands90 said:
Danny St.helens CTID said:
Sorry to say it but Mancini has to go, I'm sick to death of seeing us play like that and here's his reaction " I think that we played well, we earn 200k a week but played 3 days ago, so just Like normal people we can't work for more than 90 mins every 3 days" bullshit!!! Back 4 and nige superb going forward absolutely shocking Barry runnin in treacle, and I'm sorry but I can't see top 4 now dzeko will come good and showed good signs today but will never work up top on his own, yes Ino tevez was out but he would of still played with one, for my £500 for season ticket and nearly £3000 later over the year I expect more than that entertainment wise

I have to say i am in total agreement with you.

Danny St.helens CTID said:
Sorry to say it but Mancini has to go, I'm sick to death of seeing us play like that and here's his reaction " I think that we played well, we earn 200k a week but played 3 days ago, so just Like normal people we can't work for more than 90 mins every 3 days" bullshit!!! Back 4 and nige superb going forward absolutely shocking Barry runnin in treacle, and I'm sorry but I can't see top 4 now dzeko will come good and showed good signs today but will never work up top on his own, yes Ino tevez was out but he would of still played with one, for my £500 for season ticket and nearly £3000 later over the year I expect more than that entertainment wise.
You say Mancini has to go, and then you go on to slag off the players. Doesn't that mean that we need to replace the players, rather than the manager? Barry, Yaya Touré and Kolarov were the biggest problems in the team yesterday, and can all be replaced. The midfield of Yaya Touré and Barry is uninspiring and pretty rubbish, to be honest. Can we replace Barry with Milner? Bring in maybe Sneijder or Banega?

But Mancini has to stay if we want to make progress. A 1-0 away in the FA Cup saved Alex Ferguson's job, and since then United and Ferguson have skipped hand in hand to every trophy out there. Mancini to stay! It will click one day. It's showing signs of coming together. We did play our hearts out three days before an away game. We played the same back four yesterday as we did against Kiev in both legs, so you can understand why Chelsea scored when they did.

Mancini made the changes too late. But you can't yell at him for saying we played well. His English is limited; he's not going to give a huge answer.
I thought Richards, Yaya, Nige and Kompany all had great games yesterday. It's a shame we conceded that goal but these things happen. People seem to forget we were playing Chelsea away. Silva was quiet but this seemed to me to be because Mancini had pushed him out to the left instead of being given the license to roam. But then again, Yaya might not have played so well had Silva been wandering around in a central position.

Dzeko needs to learn to use his strength when holding up the ball and to commit himself more in general. Kolarov? Well....not sure if I have ever seen a slower professional footballer.
Chippy_boy said:
mike channon´s windmill said:
Agree - some of our players are just not good enough - the question has to be begged with so much cash at our disposal - WHY aren´t they good enough? Mancini or Marwood?

I don't think its the players. Don't get me wrong, they are not all Messi that's for sure. And we paid over the odds for most of them because of the situation we are in - i.e. we were not a particularly appealing club for an outsider to want to join. So we have overpaid and we have also attracted - by and large players motivate by cash.

But still, it's not the players. They are good enough and for the most part are trying their hardest. I am sure its the way we are set up and what we are asking our players to do. Take Milner for example. Not the most skillful of players for sure, but works his socks off and will run up and down all day. A player who would get into most if not all Premiership squads in my view. A box to box midfielder who can run and tackle and pass and shoot a bit. But his lack of skill and pace means he can hardly ever beat a man. So where do we play him? On the bloody wing where he can't get past any left back in the league and he manages 0.01 crosses per game. Does my bloody head in.

I am no tactical genious, but there are countless other bizarre choices. I mean, Dzeko needs service, right? One of the best headers of the ball, right? So why on earth is Johnson on the bench? And when we do bring him on, why isn't he on the left? I know Mancini likes wingers swapped over, but surely not when you want crosses played in to a 6 foot 4 front man, handy in the air. Get Johnson sprinting down the wing, banging crosses in at speed WITH HIS LEFT FOOT. Surely? Has Mancini never seen Bale playing at Spurs?

I could go on.
Johnson is a poor crosser of the ball. Granted, he's improved of late, but he's still not a good crosser. He's also not a sprinter. He and Bale are two entirely different players with different skill sets.
buzzer1 said:
Eastlands90 said:
I have to say i am in total agreement with you.


Are you suggesting that high performance athletes should be able to perform at 100% every 3 days, without a drop?

Why is it that marathon runners, boxers, or other sports aren't held to this standard?
It is easy to blame the players and say yaya, dzeko, bary and kolarov were shit (ok kolarov was) or blame the ref... But the truth is City doesnt have a game plan, wins against the smaller teams are down to individual strength, but against stronger teams Mancini defends and hopes that silva or tevez will do their magic and with a little bit of luck that can produce a positive result. But in recent games city have struggled even against the weak teams. City have improved defensively under Mancini but when it comes to attacking there is no plan, they just give the ball to Tevez and expect him to get past 3 defenders and score. And like someone mentioned I dont see why dzeko played yesterday, I dont think he is bad, but in that kind of formation he is useless, might as well brought one more defensive player instead, if your gonna play dzeko then then put swp and aj on the flanks so he can have some balls in the box...
Re: We are wasting our time

Pigeonho said:
de niro said:
Are you blind? He was a disgrace, booking only our players changed the game, our players had to play like girls and Chelsea knew that.
He wanted our players getting cards in order to rack up bans for the semi.

Fucking plain as day to me.
I'm not mancini 's biggest fan but things are against him at the moment and the refs are the main culprits.
Why would he want that? What benefit is it to him? Sorry DN, but this is paranoia at the highest level, and there is some serious paranoia on this forum...

if it was the odd game pige i'd agree its very unlikely but foy is one of the worst out there, he robs us on a regular basis. even the euro ref the other night was bent.nobody can be that shit and get games.

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