Post Match Thread: City v Juventus

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Sorry Marvin, but we didn't boss that game. In fact, I would say we played right into Juve's hands - right from the tunnel before the game to when we came off at the end. Our manager hasn't a clue in Europe, making the same mistakes over and over again, and our players are weak willed pussies when it comes to taking on anyone decent.[/QUOTE

I thought we played well; they only had a couple of half chances and ŵe could have scored a bag-full. We were really unlucky
I am going to go against the majority.....

I thought we played well against last years finalists of this comp. And that without either Aguero or a fit silva ( arguably our 2 most influential players ). Added to which we lost or captain and defensive organiser during the game.

It is good to be tested in sport.....not just win win win....

I actually enjoyed that we came up against a team that provided some questions for us....sure I would have loved us to answer them with 4 goals, but today we didn't - that's sport.

Dust ourselves down, analyse how we can improve...move on.

I agree but I'm still pissed off!
Oh and City may as well scrap their Terms & Conditions, bin them and just make them up from week to week. Because one of their T&Cs is that only home fans can purchase tickets in the home end - that's a fucking laugh isn't it? What a joke. Juve fans were everywhere and I was moved from my seat to accommodate them (and try didn't tell me until after I'd already paid for the seat I thought I was going to sit in, you know, where I always sit!). But I suppose I only paid £35 and they probably paid £65 so they don't give a flying duck about me and don't give a fuck about segregation and don't give a fuck about the line of stewards between the usual away section, may as well sack that off and sack the away section off and just let it vena free for all, any fans of any club anywhere.

Fucking joke!

I think I'll take a crate of Guinness in next time and just say "fuck your rules, you don't follow them so why should I?!"
I didn't see any all night
I didn't see any all night
It kicked off in four areas of the ground that I saw. I could see two of those from across the other side of the stadium and two near me as well.

The front two rows of 106 were pretty much solely Juve and the whole back half of 105 was "UEFA"(read that as just half a block of Juve fans).
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