Post Match Thread: City v Juventus

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We weren't at our best tonight, but then again, we didn't seem to be in too much danger.
If anything, the turning point appeared to be the Bony dummy that put Silva through on goal.

In those situations, Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar and Aguero, all score. Instead, you could almost sense that the players knew they had blown a golden opportunity to kill the game.

Also, because City always defend with a high line, there will be occasions when the opposition break the offside trap. Muller scored a similar goal for Bayern Munich at the ETIHAD in 2013.
Just got in from the game absolutely gutted we were in control of the game. Quite simply it's down to not taking chances at this level especially in the first half. Bony had a shocker not just the chances he missed but his all round play everything seemed to bounce off him! Nasri should have been subbed earlier for De Bruyne I can't understand why he didn't start? At times in tbe second half we slowed the game down to walking pace which suited Juve. 5 games to go I am confident we will qualify but a lack of concentration defensively has cost us again.
I don't understand so many of these comments. We were really unlucky tonight. They got two goals out of nothing, that second in goal goes flying into row z 99 times put of 100..

No it doesn't end up in row Z 99/100. That's the different in this tournament, the top teams put those away more often than not. Tonight reminded me of Arsenal; could hardly stick it in the net then beaten by the other teams clinicalness. I fear that's the way we keep heading towards
We weren't at our best tonight, but then again, we didn't seem to be in too much danger.
If anything, the turning point appeared to be the Bony dummy that put Silva through on goal.

In those situations, Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar and Aguero, all score. Instead, you could almost sense that the players knew they had blown a golden opportunity to kill the game.

Also, because City always defend with a high line, there will be occasions when the opposition break the offside trap. Muller scored a similar goal to the equalizer for Bayern Munich at the ETIHAD in 2013.
This is what I made of the game tonight. We played far too deep! This is strange considering we usually have our back line camping on the half way line. You could see pellegrini trying to urge the players forward. Being so deep meant we took far too long to get up the pitch to support bony, on top of this, we were very slow in the transitional play. Nasri loves to take the easy option;if it's there he takes it every single time, without fail! I find it rather frustrating how cautious pellers is with new signings, they just don't need this long to bed in, especially forwards. Kdb should have started tonight, he would have wanted to impress and show what he can do. Look at pedro for Chelsea, threw him straight in and he scored! What good is a £50+ mil footballer on the bench for 70mjn
No it doesn't end up in row Z 99/100. That's the different in this tournament, the top teams put those away more often than not. Tonight reminded me of Arsenal; could hardly stick it in the net then beaten by the other teams clinicalness. I fear that's the way we keep heading towards

20 yards out on the turn? Maybe not 99 times but more often than not that doesn't go in...couple of cm to the left and thats going off the post and out..inch or two to the right and Hart saves it!
Well and truly had our pockets picked there.
The game was there to be won and a smarter team would have put it to bed. Unfortunately there were too many attacking players not on their game tonight. Sterling, Nasri, silva to an extent and Bony all had poor games. Coupled with Yaya going back to last seasons performances and Kolorov regressing to his old self there was always a chance a club as experienced as Juve would grab something.
I'm fucking gutted tbh. That was a great opportunity to win our first ever opening CL game and I can't help but think we bottled it. I'd really hoped that the whole mentality thing was going to be put aside and we'd go into the game confident and raring to go. Instead it was pedestrian football with no cutting edge and the result reflected that, even though on balance we deserved to win it.
Gutted tbh.
Special mentions for Kompany and Sagna who were both excellent.
They looked crisp, clinical and very disciplined, not the weak side portrayed by the media today.
We changed our style for todays game completely, understandable but for this match sadly wrong.
If we'd have taken our chances the outcome would have been totally different.
C'est la vie !!

We had double the chances juve had, only Aguero & De Bruyne r clinical enough at the top level in my opinion.
Thats difference at the top level, juve were ruthless we were not & consistently haven't been for 5 seasons.
Gutted still as we did not deserve that, mugged, sucker punched, give it a name...
Hopefully we can improve, otherwise horrible de ja vu again, I sincerely believe if we can keep kev & aguero fit we will improve.
Positives: Sergio got minutes ahead of West Ham, Fernandinho is back to his best this season and we have a top class replacement in Otamendi if Vinny is out for any length of time.
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