Post Match Thread: City v Juventus

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Yet some people in the match day thread thought he played well. Every time him and Nasri received the ball all forward momentum stopped. They should have been off at half time with De Bruyne and Navas coming on. We had nobody giving us width tonight and that is what Navas gives us.

I thought Ya Ya played ok. I didn't think it was a bad performance; Juventus nearly won the comp last year. We could have scored 4 and both their goals were impossible to defend.

I don't think the result will harm us
Fuck that never again. Not because of the game but because of the shite I'm surrounded with on these awful European nights. On my left a few foreigners supporting Juve, on the right the same thing.... Behind me about 15 in a row of them and a couple directly in front of me too. I was in 102 and have to say that I wish I never went today.

The two in front of me constantly stood on their seats leaving me looking at their rear sides for the majority of the game. Asked them kindly on a few occasions to stop it but did they? Did they fucks! All those bastards started cheering when they scored, one started cheering "go home city!!" This is our home you wanker think it's you who should fuck off! So fucking angry. This isn't the city I love and tbh I'm happy with my seat only for the domestic games now. Assholes.
Sell Bony this winter please. I miss you Edin Dzeko.

Nasri was awful against Crystal Palace and Pelle start him tonight. You don't start Nasri if you have Silva, we needed Navas because our squad missed dynamic players, because like always our pressing is shit.
Nasri should not have started, he slows things down and runs in circles.
Silva off form today.
Toure actually tried, but Juve midfield outpaced him and never slowed down.
After what happened last year in CL, we might still qualify for the group stage, but we have not made a step forward in Europe yet.

Bright spot is our PL form, so looking forward to West Ham.

At the moment we are 3rd in the group - How do you think we can finish second ? - then qualify for the next round.?.
We might beat Borussia but not Seville.
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