Post Match Thread: City vs Spurs

the penalty is just an excuse, and Pellegrini will love having that as a get out for yet another clueless performance. the simple fact is we were not good enough yet again when it comes to playing the better sides. Spurs were more than comfortable all game without playing particularly well themselves and probably deserved to win by a greater margin. Sterling aside who was utterly woeful, no one individual had a shocker of a game today, even Yaya was good in the first half, it was just an unmotivated display that lacked tempo, and clearly lacked any specific instructions. There was no obvious gameplan and the manager is to blame yet again. I said it after the Sunderland game but we should be thanking our lucky stars United are falling apart too and Chelsea are too far behind otherwise we wouldn't even have champions league football next season.

Who says we will , still need plenty of points to finish fourth and I suspect the players have given up on this season.
The side had run its course two seasons ago and notwithstanding the new players that in the main the have struggled to make a mark and play well consistently we need a massive overhaul and I suspect it will happen in the summer.

MP should have gone after his second season.

We might struggle and finish fourth but I wouldn't be surprised in we don't.
Not Massive, but overall we have to move the core. I have thought this since the beginning of the season. Key players have to go, and younger versions of them have to come in.

This run is well and truly done!
Premier League must be about to have one hell of a firesale then! Maybe Chinese teams are going to buy everyone else?

In fact I'm going to stick my neck out here in a big way.

I think Sterling will become our all time record goalscorer and he'll do it before he's 30.
Fucking hell, shocking stat on the BBC:

Manuel Pellegrini's side won 21 points from their opening nine league games but have claimed just 26 points from their subsequent 17 matches.
Fucking hell, shocking stat on the BBC:

Manuel Pellegrini's side won 21 points from their opening nine league games but have claimed just 26 points from their subsequent 17 matches.
relegation form, from a dreadful manager
Yaya should have come off for Iheanacho not Fernando, I think it cost us the game in the end the way the ran through the middle unopposed.

Clichy was one of our best players today. Why was he brought off for Kolorov? Is it because Kolorov was one of the only senior pros left on the bench so he didn't want to have to throw on a youngster?

Sterling should have been off and Celina on.

Iheanacho should be starting games.

Shite from Pellegrini but I expect nothing less from him.

I agree Yaya should have come off. He wasn't so bad as he has been but he wasn't so good that he had to stay on either & Fernando balances the team much better.
I will do exactly that.

In fact, Sterling will be the best player in the league in a few years.

The league is going to have to become homegrown players only for there to be even a chance of that happening. I like Sterling, i don't blame him entirely for performances like today as he's the type of player that needs specific instructions and pellegrini is clearly giving him none, he'll be infinitely better under Pep but nowhere near the best in the league. Walcott standard.

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