Post Match Thread: City vs Spurs

Yaya should have come off for Iheanacho not Fernando, I think it cost us the game in the end the way the ran through the middle unopposed.

Clichy was one of our best players today. Why was he brought off for Kolorov? Is it because Kolorov was one of the only senior pros left on the bench so he didn't want to have to throw on a youngster?

Sterling should have been off and Celina on.

Iheanacho should be starting games.

Shite from Pellegrini but I expect nothing less from him.
Everytime we lose i see same issue. The opposition worked harder. End of. These individuals need to invest in a mirror and take good long looks at themselves (at least most of them) a draw would have been a fair result and bar a weird decision from the celebrity ref it probably would have been but that takes nothing from the fact these individuals should be good enough to get more positive results. Troubling fact at the moment is just that. We have a bunch of highly talented individuals, but we have been in decline since around halfway thru the first season under MP. We played some sparkling football but still had to rely upon a bottle job from gerrard and co. Ultimately wheres the pride?
Shocking team moral that no one congratulated Nacho for the equalizer. Shows that all is not well within the squad. Not going to moan about the penalty too much after all we wouldn't be going to Wembley if it wasn't for the Sterling cross fiasco against Everton. Swings and roundabouts and shouldn't be relying on refs. Got a fight now for 4th place. Lets hope we can get back to winning ways soon.

Absolute bollocks this shit about not celebrating. Aguero grabbed the ball and ran back to the circle and the others got back into position to restart quickly. Meanwhile Kelechi is on his fucking knees praying to some god or other.
Laughable that some people are calling out Sterling. Aguero was the worst city player on the pitch today. His touch was awful, decision making worse. Several occasions where sterling had acres of space in front of him, yet aguero never passes to him. All season it's been that way. But let's hang the manager and young sterling. Seems the route most are going these days. Sterling played as well as he could have with the support he was getting. Not to say he played great, but he is being deployed to support the spine of the team. It's quite obvious he doesn't have a license to do what he wants...

We sat back and absorbed pressure on the first half, which is what half the forum was asking for all week, yet we curse the team for being boring and slow. Looked like a page out of Mancini's book all half. If he was in the dugout, people would be focusing on the sad sad reality that the worst penalty I've ever seen has gone against us and it changed the complexion of the game.

100% better performance than last week. Hats to Arsenal for keeping us 6 pts in it.
This is completely correct. Multiple times sterling is breaking down he wing and is ignored. Aguero made shit passes all day and his touch was horrendous

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