Post Match Thread: City vs West Ham

KDB was immense. So disappointed we couldn't get a win just to reward his effort alone.
He provides something entirely different to Nasri. Where Nasri is slow to move the ball, conservative and careful KDB moves the ball quickly, tries dashing and daring things and is willing to take a risk with his passes. He'll misplace passes more often than Nasri no doubt, but he has a real cutting edge to him that Nasri lacks. I was pleased with his defensive efforts too. I thought Yaya tried hard too as well...he looked switched on and when he looks switched on we ussually win. Sadly though Navas, Aguero and Mangala were badly off the boil and even Fernandinho and Kolarov were down on their recent strong performances. Sterling also failed to provide much.

These games will happen over a 38 week season. We were god-awful for the first 30 minutes but the intensity of the second half was huge. I can't remember a performance in recent times where a team have withstood the kind of pounding we gave west ham in that second half without conceding a goal. Combination of our goal scorers just not being on their game and them defending well with 2 banks of 5.

EDIT: Just to add - Pellegrini got the subs wrong, bringing both Kolarov and Sterling off from the left completely negated any threat from that side. They looked far more comfortable after Ihaenacho can on for the last few minutes because we could no longer stretch them to nearly the same extent. Like others I don't know how Navas was allowed to stay on for the whole game.
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The game was too much like last season where in the start of games we looked defeated already and then tried to win back some goals in the 2nd half. Resembles that period after the CSKA defeat which I really hoped wouldn't happen.
Fed up with hearing how good wet spam were, they were lucky that's all. Congrats on being the new Bolton, claiming you deserved the win because your defenders showed up and the rest of the team were camped in the 18 yard box is really something to be proud of.

Navas should just aim the ball near the penalty spot ffs, if there is no one there that is not his fault, it can't be that hard for someone with pace and good control.
Seemed like just one of those days from an attacking perspective. On most other days we would have scored a hatful. I thought we became too frantic at times but once Aguero re-gains form the goals will come.

Of greater concern, I think the last two games have highlighted that our defensive issues against teams playing on the break haven't really gone away. That seems more of an ongoing issue that needs work.
Finally had chance to get on here, I'm glad the bubble burst a little this weekend because we needed a taste of reality, this year isn't going to be easy at all and we need to forget walking away with this league, it won't happen. West Ham basically did exactly what Juventus did, they setup well and flooded midfield when they needed to. Other than that though they did not control the game and their story was 1 great goal and another due to our own undoing which is pretty much how the Juventus game went too. I'm not worried about our defence because apart from the odd counter attack, they barely threatened or had any control over the game. We just need Kompany back now along with Silva and the ball can get rolling again.

The only worrying thing about the game was that when you rack up 20+ shots and 73% possession it means you aren't putting the ball in the net when you should be and that has been our biggest problem in both games last week. Aguero clearly didn't look fit enough yet to really make the difference and without Silva we were pretty limited to the chances we could create. On the plus side, De Bruyne had a fantastic game as did several others but without Silva it just never looked like happening and breaking these teams down is something we need to learn fast because they all know now how to beat us.
We should have moved Yaya into Silva's role (Fernando with Dinho) and kept KDB out to the right.

We had been training that way all week, so from the off having Navas on had ruined that training.
OK, didn't see any of Juventus game (don't ask), but I did see this from the SS. One word: sloppiness. People at the back, people at the front: sloppy. And from everything I've read and heard, that seemed to characterise the Juventus game. It's annoying, even very annoying. But it's really not more than sloppiness. Oh, and Sergio mysteriously lacking those few inches of sharpness. Not worried. This week's been a wakeup call, we had a great start, never thought we'd waltz the league or anything else. Now we buckle down. And that Belgian lad, my word… !
Fed up with hearing how good wet spam were, they were lucky that's all. Congrats on being the new Bolton, claiming you deserved the win because your defenders showed up and the rest of the team were camped in the 18 yard box is really something to be proud of.

Navas should just aim the ball near the penalty spot ffs, if there is no one there that is not his fault, it can't be that hard for someone with pace and good control.

Agree if your Navas you'd think how can I improve my crossing passing it to the penalty Area or chipping it over a defender to that penalty area would be a start

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