Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Beat me to it mate.

Imagine the quandary up and down the country on a weekly basis as Fred or Mavis can't quite decide what to do with their minimum food and pay the bills or invest in fucking shares?

Christ some on here are in cloud fucking cuckoo land they really are.
See two above.
Why aren't Ireland and Hungary the bastions of capitalism then already and financial powerhouses?

You know why but insist on playing games.

And you know full well that they started well behind the UK in terms of infrastructure and other attractions, such as availability of skilled resources.



High tax = brakes on = slow growth.

Slow growth = less well off, less money to spend on public services.

Stimulating growth and improving public services with more borrowing is OK provided the level of debt is not too high. We had the highest deficit of all major developed countries in 2010 and a debt mountain spiralling out of control. Borrowing more at that time would have been madness. Something had to be done. And raising taxes any more than even a modest amount would have crushed any hope of a recovery.

I understand this is an unfortunate truth for people totally pissed off with the state of our public services, but nevertheless it is the truth.

Corbyn's plans would provide a short term boost and then very quickly turn the economy into full speed reverse. By the end of his term, the economy would be in deep recession and debt spiralling once again. Count on it.
talk about the millions of families who barely manage yet you think they can just go and invest in shares when the truth is, most can barely pay the bills and put food on the table most weeks despite holding down jobs
Again, he talked about pension funds. 86% of people have them in some sort or another. You're the one that has misrepresented what he said and changed it into mini-Gordon Gecko types.
Annuity's pay such a pittance, that we will be paying for the welfare of most in old age from tax revenues in any case.
Annuities pay around 5% based on current rates and likely time span of payments (20 years).

But you're right, people need to put more aside for their own retirement than they do at present. Either that or not live as long. Annuity rates would be a lot higher if everyone started retiring at 65 and dying at 68 again.
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