Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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I wish the same could be said of this post. It's incomprehensible.

it's simple, factual, containing far more truth than you've probably ever posted.

Left-wing radicalisation is an ever increasing problem and is undermining many efforts of social harmony and inclusiveness, they drive wedges at every opportunity, and have tried to do so again at a tragic incident which should have resulted in harmony and unity and instead they've made it political and started pontificating and turning it into a crusade to the detriment of all concerned, it's irresponsible, unpalatable and frankly disrespectful to the rest of society.

Funny how I actually like Corbyn far more than the people he now represents.
Oh by the way.

The far left:

"Labour was overtaken by Blairites and wasn't real Labour!"

Also the far left:

"The guy who rebelled against the Labour Party more times than any Labour MP in history perfectly represents the Labour Party".

I guess what you need to do to be proper Labour in their eyes is constantly vote against the Labour Party. Somehow.

Speaking as someone who has had far left tendancies in my past.

The present labour leadership or momentum ain't far left, just the moderate left that existed before the 80's and to propose any different is mistaken.

Thatcher re-aligned the centre ground and labour obliged her by shifting too.

Lastly, going down to visit residents, while not being in power is about actually giving a shit, I cannot personaly change many things in life, but to not bother trying would be a sad reflection on myself.
One person actually giving a shit seen and carried forward by others can makè a difference.

It's sad our society has become so jaded that some dismiss and sneer at people at least trying to do good by others.
it's simple, factual, containing far more truth than you've probably ever posted.

Left-wing radicalisation is an ever increasing problem and is undermining many efforts of social harmony and inclusiveness, they drive wedges at every opportunity, and have tried to do so again at a tragic incident which should have resulted in harmony and unity and instead they've made it political and started pontificating and turning it into a crusade to the detriment of all concerned, it's irresponsible, unpalatable and frankly disrespectful to the rest of society.

Funny how I actually like Corbyn far more than the people he now represents.

I hope you're a troll, I really do.
it's simple, factual, containing far more truth than you've probably ever posted.

Left-wing radicalisation is an ever increasing problem and is undermining many efforts of social harmony and inclusiveness, they drive wedges at every opportunity, and have tried to do so again at a tragic incident which should have resulted in harmony and unity and instead they've made it political and started pontificating and turning it into a crusade to the detriment of all concerned, it's irresponsible, unpalatable and frankly disrespectful to the rest of society.

Funny how I actually like Corbyn far more than the people he now represents.

How is it up on that high horse?

People are pissed off, local tory coucil refuses to even come out and meet the residents, may fannies about, fair fucks to angela leadsom for going down and speaking to people, but to suggest labour people going down to help and comfort (like leadsom did) is politicaly stiring people up is bollocks.

People are pissed off without any influence.
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How is it up on that high horse?

People are pissed off, local tory coucil refuses tp even come out and meet tge residents, may fannies about, fair fucks to angela leadsom for going down and speaki g to people, but to suggest labour people going down to help and comfort (like leadsom did) is politicaly stirimg people up is bollocks.

People are pissed off without any influence.

well, fine. But they should behave themselves, and they aren't. It's not on.
How is it up on that high horse?

People are pissed off, local tory coucil refuses tp even come out and meet tge residents, may fannies about, fair fucks to angela leadsom for going down and speaki g to people, but to suggest labour people going down to help and comfort (like leadsom did) is politicaly stirimg people up is bollocks.

People are pissed off without any influence.

He's a troll, he's not worth the steam off our piss.
And what has Corbyn done to help them outside a hug?

Has he introduced new legislation to ensure tghs doesn't happen again and passed It?

No. Because he's unable to. Because he's not in Government. Because fanatics like you think politics is a competition about who can be ideologically superior.

So you have helped and will help no-one. You're a tediously useless entity.

Are you morally AND politically superior to every other Labour supporter in your fooking Ivory Tower?

How's the weather up there??

Who the fook are you to speak to people like that?

If you wanted to climb out of your arsehole for a single minute you would know about this:

Jeremy Corbyn tried to pass through a law that would required private landlords to make their homes safe and “fit for human habitation” last year – but it was rejected by the Conservatives.

Labour proposed an amendment to the Government’s new Housing and Planning Bill – a raft of new laws aimed at reforming housing law – in January last year, but it was rejected by 312 votes to 219.

Although the law doesn’t directly pertain to the tower, it did highlight fundamental flaws in Britain’s rental sector, such as the ones outlined by residents of the tower in the months and years leading up to the event.

According to Parliament’s register of interests, 72 of the MPs who voted against the amendment were themselves landlords who derive an income from a property.

Oh, but that's right; because he's not Gov he should sit on his hands and not try anything. Can't make suggestions, can't do this or that cos he's not Gov.

"Hey man, you should try and put a front gate on your garden to stop the kids running on to the road!"

"Shut the fuck up, dude, you ain't the parent to my kids!"

"Man, I was just making a reasonable suggestion! I'll just mind my business."


Hey Jeremy, why didn't you help those kids?

"Cos, apparently, I'm not their parent"...

"You tediously useless entity".

Love that picture. The man is a real person with charisma.
He's a buffoon. Lying one at that.
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