Well-Known Member
Obviously they didn't, the difference between the two was 2.4%, I was saying they gained 42.4% of the vote whereas no-one else did. It would be pretty difficult for someone to gain anything beyond 50% to gain a majority vote given we essentially have a two party politicial system along with whoever Scotland throws in the bag.
Unfortunately none of this matters all that much because we elect based upon seats, 326 to gain a majority, the Tories are 9 shy of that however most crucially in my thinking is Labour are 64 shy and at the deep end of what I am saying is they are 800,000 votes shy...
Again, it is time to accept that Labour lost this election.
This voting system is all down to boundary markers. This is similar to the electoral college voting system in the States!
And, you're taking a leap that 800,000 votes is a huge margin!
I assure it's nothing of the sort, especially if you think about where Corbyn started from; hampered by the media and his own Party!!
Nothing short of a miracle he got as much he did!
You have to admit that!
It reminds me of 'the tortoise and the hare' except the hare wins by quite a slim margin (after taking things for granted) and boasts, ignoring all the things that worked against the tortoise!!