Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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You really think that it would still be a vote to leave the EU!
The Scots would vote in numbers this time and quite a few people who voted to leave did so as a protest about what they felt was just shit politics. But following the last referendum and the constant fall out and uncertainty, I believe those people would fall in line to remain

May tried to keep the GE all about Brexit and this is where her campaign failed and Labour took advantage

yes, it was the biggest turnout ever. if there was another referendum it would just cement the idea that remainers just wont accept the vote. keep having referendums until you get the result you want. the scots already voted in big numbers, and it made no difference. the majority of people accept brexit and would vote to leave again imo.

the polls have gone way in favour of brexit recently and most have accepted the result now, apart from the lib dems.
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but what do we do if the result is the same/similar.

Who knows mate, who knows. My personal hope would be that the conservatives take on board the messages that can be drawn from this result and modify their manifesto to be more in line with what the majority want, i.e. an easing off of austerity and more emphasis on looking after the poor in our society and our public services. And if they did that, AND had a leader competent to take the message forward, they could win and win well.

It seems incredible to me that after 15 years of Labour successfully camping out in the middle ground with Blair and Brown (i.e. showing everyone how it should be done with 3 successive victories), the Tories still thought that playing to the right and taking on UKIP was the way forward? When May took over she made all those speeches about being there for everybody in society, including the poor, and her popularity shot up enormously. Bizarre that she forgot and instead decided to piss them all off.

But you're right. We could be in an era with two opposing sides, each entrenched in mutually incompatible positions, and neither able to get a majority.
The day after the last vote the leavers reneged on all their promises. The pic of the bus would remind them. Boris would be on the other side now in any case as he is just an opportunist. The financial argument for a free market just needs to be highlighted correctly and the xenophobic lies about EU migration outed.
Shaky ground there my friend but all is explained and your true colours uncovered by you calling Andy Burnham a Red Tory traitor.
First point Blair won by convincing middle England to trust him, something that Corbyn will never acheive. Second point he was up against mister no mark John Major. Third point is your history is slightly skewed to fit your argument. Blair got over 43% of the vote whilst Corbyn only managed 40%. Not a huge difference but try telling that to the Lib Dems who achieved 12 seats from 2.4m votes, 7.4% of the turn out and the SNP who got 35 seats from less than a million votes and 3% of the turn out. Point being the difference between a landslide and disaster in UK elections is always a small percentage. Dump Corbyn or lose the next election as well

I've been a member of the Labour party for years, you can ditch everything I ever say if you want, but believe me when I tell you, the Labour Party will never, ever, vote for new labour tories ever again! It was a blip, an aberration, it will not return, it was not the way forward, just a twenty year cul de sac, an meaningless exercise in triangulation.
Who knows mate, who knows. My personal hope would be that the conservatives take on board the messages that can be drawn from this result and modify their manifesto to be more in line with what the majority want, i.e. an easing off of austerity and more emphasis on looking after the poor in our society and our public services. And if they did that, AND had a leader competent to take the message forward, they could win and win well.

It seems incredible to me that after 15 years of Labour successfully camping out in the middle ground with Blair and Brown (i.e. showing everyone how it should be done with 3 successive victories), the Tories still thoughtplaying to the right and taking on UKIP was the way forward? When May took over she made all those speeches about being there for everybody in society, including the poor, and her popularity shot up enormously. Bizarre that she forgot and instead decided to piss them all off.

But you're right. We could be in an era with two opposing sides, each entrenched in mutually incompatible positions, and neither able to get a majority.

i think under any other leader the conservatives would have won a comfortable majority. the problems came when the issues about social care, the dementia tax. triple lock issues came about. get rid of those policies and as you say focus a bit more on investment, so in policing. i think they would win a majority. labour for how well they did haven't got anywhere near winning.
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