Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Blair won by convincing middle England but Corbyn has taken ground by getting record numbers of young voters out. The need to pander to middle England is much less.
Do they? For all of Corbyn's great campaign, Labour still lost. Trailing the Tory party by sizable 57 seats.
I could never vote for Corbyn in a billion years. Dan Jarvis - Yes, maybe another leader who I could be sure looks after the security of the country but not Corbyn and I'm pretty sure there are millions like me.
Shaky ground there my friend but all is explained and your true colours uncovered by you calling Andy Burnham a Red Tory traitor.
First point Blair won by convincing middle England to trust him, something that Corbyn will never acheive. Second point he was up against mister no mark John Major. Third point is your history is slightly skewed to fit your argument. Blair got over 43% of the vote whilst Corbyn only managed 40%. Not a huge difference but try telling that to the Lib Dems who achieved 12 seats from 2.4m votes, 7.4% of the turn out and the SNP who got 35 seats from less than a million votes and 3% of the turn out. Point being the difference between a landslide and disaster in UK elections is always a small percentage. Dump Corbyn or lose the next election as well
Put far more accurately and succinctly than I ever could. Elections aren't won in Sheffield, Manchester or the North East just like they're not won in Kensington, Surrey or the home counties. As encouraging this result is for the Corbynista's I feel this is the best they'll get, until/unless JC and his momentum backers adopt a more pragmatic approach we cannot realistically hope to wrest a majority from the WIDER electorate. Having said all that a statement has been made and this brand of politics is seemingly more palatable than I thought and I too have to accept that I may have to soften my anti Corbyn/Momentum opinion, if the factions of the party can come together a bit more there is hope.
Is it? For all of Corbyn's great campaign, Labour still lost. Trailing the Tory party by sizable 57 seats.
I could never vote for Corbyn in a billion years. Dan Jarvis - Yes, maybe another leader who I could be sure looks after the security of the country but not Corbyn and I'm pretty sure there are millions like me.
Yes, I'm one
Any chance this proposed coalition could kick up trouble in Ireland again?
You more succinctly said what I am thinking.

The challenge for Labour is how to get moderate thinking, but fairly strong Tory supporters to vote Labour. If they cannot do that, the entrenched Tory vote makes a Labour majority almost impossible, imo. And taking a hard left line is not going to achieve that any time soon. Blair won repeatedly (and big) by appealing to moderate Tory voters. All hard left Labour leaders in the past 50 years have lost.

Yes but he failed ultimately and it wasn't the working class was bit the main beneficiary.

He also took us into catastrophic wars, deregulated the markets trying to be Tory and we all know we're that ended.

As fumble said, labour have been in a cul de sac for over 20 years where they forgot who they were.

I'd rather lose going for real change, than win with red Tory priorities and bending over thinking a corporate desk kecks at their ankles.
You more succinctly said what I am thinking.

The challenge for Labour is how to get moderate thinking, but fairly strong Tory supporters to vote Labour. If they cannot do that, the entrenched Tory vote makes a Labour majority almost impossible, imo. And taking a hard left line is not going to achieve that any time soon. Blair won repeatedly (and big) by appealing to moderate Tory voters. All hard left Labour leaders in the past 50 years have lost.

Neil Kinnock was predicted to beat Major and didn't. The public couldn't vote for what they saw as a lefitie
John Smith, an extremely charismatic man became leader of Labour and started to convince people in the city that Labour wouldn't decimate the country and he started winning traditional Tory supporters over
Very sadly Smith suffered a heart attack and that's when Shiny Blair took over. Smith had done all the hard work and the Conservatives were in total disarray and smeared in scandal. The momentum had been shifting since Kinnock and a fresh faced Blair rode into town and the survived on the back of an unprecedented world economic boom
As soon as we reverted back to a bust cycle, Labour were out

What Labour require is another John Smith
Another dynamic is this: What happens to the economy.

As everyone knows, money talks, and people traditionally vote with their wallets. The conservatives are at a low ebb after 6 years of austerity. But growth in the west and in the US and the EU is picking up. If the UK economy picks up and we start to be able to invest more; if we start to see real pay increases; if we start to see the benefits of the pain we've endured - then the Conservatives' popularity may increase and make it even more difficult for Labour.

On the other hand, if as a result of the uncertainty over Brexit, things deteriorate from here, the public will doubtless become progressively more disgruntled. In that scenario, I think any Labour opposition - of any leaning - will ultimately win at some point. I know this is contrary to what I said above about hard-left not being the right path for Labour, bu on reflection I think even Corbyn would win if our economy and public services get much worse than they are now.
I agree.
Her disdain for electorate was obvious from early on in the campaign when she refused to do the TV debates. She came across as smug and assumed that all she had to do was turn up to win. Because of this expectation to win she started going on about things like bringing back fox hunting etc which showed her up as the sort of tory most normal people can't stand. Her campaign was so poor that Labour should actually have won and had they not gone hard left with their leadership and policies they would have done.

To enter a general election with no policies improving the average peoples lot. Telling everyone we need to stop helping people in their old age; lying that the NHS is fully funded for its needs and Nurses already earn to much, and that we don't need as many police on the streets is not going to work, no matter who was in charge.
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