Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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This is a circular argument. The Labour Party cannot give you what you want.

In the end the Labour party must convince the electorate to vote for them and their policies, if they are unsuccessful then so be it. But there'll be no changing the party using middle England focus groups, those days are gone.

As I say, there's plenty in the Labour party who don't agree with you. You may be right, you may not.

EDIT: It's not what *I* want. I'd prefer the Labour Party to be permanently a party of opposition.
I must be missing something here, but Labour got 40% of the vote, 12,858,652 people. Conservatives got 42.4% of the vote, 13,650,900. Lib dems got 7.4% of the vote, 2,367,048. Why are we saying that the difference in seats shows a clear lack of acceptance of Labour policies in England? A seat can be swung by a single vote, it doesn't make the other votes for that constituency invalid. I don't think there is this gaping chasm between left leaning politics and electoral viability some of you think (or hope).

Any chance this proposed coalition could kick up trouble in Ireland again?
Don't think so. In terms of Brexit Sinn Fain would like to stay in the EU but they pretty much agree with the DUP on what they want for Brexit. (No hard border and a softer Brexit.)
The issue more likely to bring back Irish terrorism is the abeyance of the NI agreement, which will not be even handed now the Tory party is relying on DUP support.
Another dynamic is this: What happens to the economy.

As everyone knows, money talks, and people traditionally vote with their wallets. The conservatives are at a low ebb after 6 years of austerity. But growth in the west and in the US and the EU is picking up. If the UK economy picks up and we start to be able to invest more; if we start to see real pay increases; if we start to see the benefits of the pain we've endured - then the Conservatives' popularity may increase and make it even more difficult for Labour.

On the other hand, if as a result of the uncertainty over Brexit, things deteriorate from here, the public will doubtless become progressively more disgruntled. In that scenario, I think any Labour opposition - of any leaning - will ultimately win at some point. I know this is contrary to what I said above about hard-left not being the right path for Labour, bu on reflection I think even Corbyn would win if our economy and public services get much worse than they are now.

Growth in the west and in the US and the EU is picking up but in the UK its on its way down. Wage deflation for years. The economy is the reason people are peed off.
I agree.
Her disdain for electorate was obvious from early on in the campaign when she refused to do the TV debates. She came across as smug and assumed that all she had to do was turn up to win. Because of this expectation to win she started going on about things like bringing back fox hunting etc which showed her up as the sort of tory most normal people can't stand. Her campaign was so poor that Labour should actually have won and had they not gone hard left with their leadership and policies they would have done.
Totally agree. Lots of people spinning this as a sign that Corbyn has been a roaring success. I'm of the mind that if there had been a credible opponent May would have been utterly battered. Mind you, she wouldn't have called the election if anyone else had been opposition leader. Either way, May has been exposed as an utter fucking joke.
Great turnout amongst the young voters in the UK, looks like the Brexit referendum was a wake up call. Also nice to see the concerted effort by Murdoch and his pals to slur Corbyn didn't work out.
Totally agree. Lots of people spinning this as a sign that Corbyn has been a roaring success. I'm of the mind that if there had been a credible opponent May would have been utterly battered. Mind you, she wouldn't have called the election if anyone else had been opposition leader. Either way, May has been exposed as an utter fucking joke.

Yet last night Labour supporters on here were predicting that May would smash Corbyn

Perhaps that's just a Man City supporting mentality
Neil Kinnock was predicted to beat Major and didn't. The public couldn't vote for what they saw as a lefitie
John Smith, an extremely charismatic man became leader of Labour and started to convince people in the city that Labour wouldn't decimate the country and he started winning traditional Tory supporters over
Very sadly Smith suffered a heart attack and that's when Shiny Blair took over. Smith had done all the hard work and the Conservatives were in total disarray and smeared in scandal. The momentum had been shifting since Kinnock and a fresh faced Blair rode into town and the survived on the back of an unprecedented world economic boom
As soon as we reverted back to a bust cycle, Labour were out
What Labour require is another John Smith
His name is Dan Jarvis. Sadly for Labour I think that Corbyn has done so well he can't be got rid off.
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