Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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I voted for Corbyn during both Labour elections and obviously last night. I didn't vote for him because he wears a nice suit, I voted for him because I thought he could win an election. He has not won an election.

You see this is the different between the far left and the centre left of the Party. The far left is full of people who like Pyrrhic victories. They like discussing philosophy such as nuclear disarmament and identity politics. Great, I like those conversations too.

However what I like more is a well funded NHS, building low cost houses and making food banks a thing of the past. And you can't do any of that unless you win an election and that means compromising your opinion on some things.

The far left of the Party feel it's important to talk about policy. Blairites feel it's important to enact policy and the talk is political masturbation if you'll never get elected to enact it.

I want Labour to win elections. I thought Corbyn could energise the youth vote which he did but the collapse of UKIP fucked him and much of the country rejected him. Now I'll have to survey the options but if he forms a more united shadow cabinet then we'll ride with him for a bit as he appears to be growing into the role. If he decides to step aside and anoint a centrist successor who he campaigns hard for then we'll win the next election.

But that's the game. This isn't a joke. There are people on this country, especially those on disabilities and benefits who are fucked. They don't need a far left Labour party up its own arse about its revolution, they need an elected Labour Party in power and making changes. They don't have time for us to fuck about again and we're letting them down.

Jim Smith who's surviving on £40 a week doesn't care about "the movement". He just wants to be able to live his life. We failed him last night and we can't do so again.
It's a good post for sure.
A lot of Tory MPs unhappy about associating with the DUP a party whose candidates were endorsed by a loyalist umbrella group which represents the UDA.
Chief concern is that the DUP will extract concessions from May regarding local Northern Ireland issues which might just upset Sinn Fein a bit. This could destabilize the Nortern Ireland peace already under strain after Brexit and the collapse of the assembly a few months back.
PS they are also anti same sex marriage,anti abortion, formerly climate change deniers and pro creationists.
How often are you going to post this, just with the words rearranged into different sentences?
I suspect you are right, but equally I don't think the Tories will leave the door wide open like they did this time. I cannot see them running a campaign as inept as this one ever again. So Labour won't have to do "better", they will have do "dramatically better". And they already did pretty well. So dramatically improving on that will be very hard indeed. Unless they want offer to pay students to go to University and to reduce VAT to zero and a minimum wage of £20/h.
Lol, maybe!
But I also think yet another change in leader mid-term leaves the torys open to accusations of who are you actually voting for as leader? and we don't know if a softer Brexit will open up Tory divisions. Tactical voting in Scotland may not be so generous to torys next time either.

I voted for Corbyn during both Labour elections and obviously last night. I didn't vote for him because he wears a nice suit, I voted for him because I thought he could win an election. He has not won an election.

You see this is the different between the far left and the centre left of the Party. The far left is full of people who like Pyrrhic victories. They like discussing philosophy such as nuclear disarmament and identity politics. Great, I like those conversations too.

However what I like more is a well funded NHS, building low cost houses and making food banks a thing of the past. And you can't do any of that unless you win an election and that means compromising your opinion on some things.

The far left of the Party feel it's important to talk about policy. Blairites feel it's important to enact policy and the talk is political masturbation if you'll never get elected to enact it.

I want Labour to win elections. I thought Corbyn could energise the youth vote which he did but the collapse of UKIP fucked him and much of the country rejected him. Now I'll have to survey the options but if he forms a more united shadow cabinet then we'll ride with him for a bit as he appears to be growing into the role. If he decides to step aside and anoint a centrist successor who he campaigns hard for then we'll win the next election.

But that's the game. This isn't a joke. There are people on this country, especially those on disabilities and benefits who are fucked. They don't need a far left Labour party up its own arse about its revolution, they need an elected Labour Party in power and making changes. They don't have time for us to fuck about again and we're letting them down.

Jim Smith who's surviving on £40 a week doesn't care about "the movement". He just wants to be able to live his life. We failed him last night and we can't do so again.

Who could they elect as a leader who could win though? I had high hopes for Chuka but he turned out to be a massive fanny who didn't like the papers writing stuff about his family which is even more laughable considering all the shit Corbyn has had to deal with from the media. I don't see the next Blair (in terms of popularity when he was voted) anywhere in the party so I'll settle for Corbyn rattling a few cages, taking on the press and being a proper opposition leader until they do find someone who could win.
Lol, maybe!
But I also think yet another change in leader mid-term leaves the torys open to accusations of who are you actually voting for as leader? and we don't know if a softer Brexit will open up Tory divisions. Tactical voting in Scotland may not be so generous to torys next time either.

Everything you say I agree with, apart from the "maybe". It would be *impossible* for them to run a worse campaign than this time, wouldn't it? I mean, seriously, I cannot actually imagine how they could do it worse. You could write a book based on this fiasco, entitled, "How to try to lose an election from an unassailable position". If a cock-up was possible at any juncture, they grasped it. They left no stone unturned in being as shit as is humanly possible.
Woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown.....

Largest party with the most seats and most votes...

Largest party with the most seats and most votes...

Largest party with the most seats and most votes...

Largest party with the most seats and most votes.
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