Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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One thing is for sure, May isn't going to go of her own accord. They are going to drag her out kicking and screaming.

surely even she knows that she can't survive this.

I think she'll leave enthusiastically and at the soonest convenient opportunity. She didn't look to me like she actually wanted the job, when the going got tough.
Why does May have her husband follow her round everywhere?

Is it bring your spouse to work day?
I was very much of this mind set and thought Corbyn was a busted flush. However what happened in the last week or so with his speeches and rallies, along with spending a lot of time with newly motivated youngsters (being an old timer) I have seen something new and vital emerging.
Old arguments about Trident, IRA etc is ancient history to a lot of the 'kids'. Ironically their political naivety means that basic values of fairness and hope resonate. Economic arguments of austerity have not delivered any economic improvements and debt (personal and national)is no longer a dirty word.
An election soon would instil a belief in youngsters that they can change the world and would pull in a lot more votes going forward. As an old timer I am comfortable with most of the manifesto and suspect its apeal is wider than most people except. I have turned from being a scepticle labour voter at this election into someone who will enthusiastically engage next time. I suspect the prospect that real change will now be seen as achievable will energise many more next time.

I suspect you are right, but equally I don't think the Tories will leave the door wide open like they did this time. I cannot see them running a campaign as inept as this one ever again. So Labour won't have to do "better", they will have do "dramatically better". And they already did pretty well. So dramatically improving on that will be very hard indeed. Unless they want offer to pay students to go to University and to reduce VAT to zero and a minimum wage of £20/h.
Rubbish every time he was asked he fudged the answer or mentioned a completely unworkable scheme to pay for it. A neutral third party organisation costed out the labour manifesto and said it had huge holes in its fiscal plans.
He has done his job. It is the beginning of the end for May and, listening to Farage this afternoon, she might well have sunk Brexit. And no taxes have had to rise to pay for it....
I think she'll leave enthusiastically and at the soonest convenient opportunity. She didn't look to me like she actually wanted the job, when the going got tough.

There will be yet another election only within the Tory party to elect a new leader.
He has done his job. It is the beginning of the end for May and, listening to Farage this afternoon, she might well have sunk Brexit. And no taxes have had to rise to pay for it....

Yes mate,she was a remainer anyway and imho i think the whole thing is rigged...we will end up with a 2nd ref vote. There has been so much crying,foot stamping and total media driven bullshit from the remoaners that it wouldnt suprise me one bit. Pathetic.
He has done his job. It is the beginning of the end for May and, listening to Farage this afternoon, she might well have sunk Brexit. And no taxes have had to rise to pay for it....

He has also moved the discussion significantly back to the left, even blairites like Yvette Cooper as good as admitted such in her interview about 5:45 this morning
The whole situation now is a clusterfuck, why she called an election at this time I will never understand. Sure I get all the "needed a mandate" bolocks but fuck me she is poor. I put the Tory failings directly in her lap.
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