Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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She's such an arrogant cow. "Didn't deserve to lose their seats" that's up to the British public to decide not you.
Absolutely. She's never made a mistake, she's never changed her mind, anything that goes wrong is not her fault, anything that has gone wrong was not her fault. Can't stand her.
From what I believe and I have been asleep all afternoon, so sorry if it's been mentioned, but it's not a coalition and the DUP have been helping the Tories for a while now in getting certain things through the commons
Aye that's been touted. So it proposes a minority government but because of the DUPs seats, they only need them to vote for them to form a Govt to have the "majority." As people are saying, DUP are the King/Queen makers here and I'm sure they'll try and capitalise on this rare power card handed to them. It all depends on how their talks with the Tories go I suppose and what their view of Labour is. Though they do give up any advantage if they don't help the Tories.
She's such an arrogant cow. "Didn't deserve to lose their seats" that's up to the British public to decide not you.

Actually, if she'd added; they didn't deserve it because it's my fault I am so fucking useless, it would be on the money.
All the senior ministers staying in their jobs

I suspect that's because they all stared at her with an expression that said "just one fucking word out of you and you're leaving this room on a stretcher".
Is that the number? Changing 3 out of 100 voters' minds doesn't sound to me like enough to get an extra 70 or so seats, but I haven't looked into it and maybe you know better? But I suppose when you consider that perhaps 70 of the 100 won't budge no matter what you do, 3 of the remaining 30 is in any event tougher than it might at first seem.

But it strikes me that, as you know, Einstein's definition of stupidity is doing the same experiment again and again and expecting a different outcome. And you've tried this hard left approach twice now and lost both times. Is trying the same thing again a great idea?

In every walk of life, I think you should evaluate your performances after your victories and your defeats and try to work out why you won or lost, and what you can do to do it better. I don't think patting oneself on the back, blaming others for why you didn't win, and deciding to do exactly the same thing next time is a solid plan. What Corbyn offers is DEEPLY unpalatable to voters such as myself. If Labour was more moderate, personally I am convinced you'd have a much better chance.
I was of the same opinion but my radical nephews and nieces and their friends see the world very differently. I am not sure a left wing agenda has been tried twice. Red Ed was far too apologetic and a bufoon.... likewise the Tory offer is increasingly DEEPLY unpalatable. However, they are masters of a U turn and disguise. I do think however that the 'press' and media are losing their power. Social Media has replaced the Sun who no longer can 'win it'
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