Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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I gots to tell you, all over the place this DUP malarky is a PR disaster for the Tories.

Does this change anything for Tory voters on here?

One glimmer of light I see for the Tories is that a prerequisite to this collaboration may have been an iagreement to cease hounding servicemen from incidents involving the IRA from forty years ago. That would play well will Tory voters (if the Givernment could deliver) but could hinder community relations with Catholics in Norfhern Ireland I suppose.
But I also believe the press attacks on Corbyn are now a busted flush... they have thrown what they can and surely no more skeletons to drag out and flog to death. Next time those attacks begin to look puerile. Perhaps, just perhaps, a true left of centre agenda is now the best alternative to engage the 3 out of 100 voters Labour now need to swing?

Is that the number? Changing 3 out of 100 voters' minds doesn't sound to me like enough to get an extra 70 or so seats, but I haven't looked into it and maybe you know better? But I suppose when you consider that perhaps 70 of the 100 won't budge no matter what you do, 3 of the remaining 30 is in any event tougher than it might at first seem.

But it strikes me that, as you know, Einstein's definition of stupidity is doing the same experiment again and again and expecting a different outcome. And you've tried this hard left approach twice now and lost both times. Is trying the same thing again a great idea?

In every walk of life, I think you should evaluate your performances after your victories and your defeats and try to work out why you won or lost, and what you can do to do it better. I don't think patting oneself on the back, blaming others for why you didn't win, and deciding to do exactly the same thing next time is a solid plan. What Corbyn offers is DEEPLY unpalatable to voters such as myself. If Labour was more moderate, personally I am convinced you'd have a much better chance.
I was always led to believe no deal is better than a bad deal in this election. Another massive whopper.
Woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown.....

Largest party with the most seats and most votes...

Largest party with the most seats and most votes...

Largest party with the most seats and most votes...

Largest party with the most seats and most votes.

She's such an arrogant cow. "Didn't deserve to lose their seats" that's up to the British public to decide not you.
I gots to tell you, all over the place this DUP malarky is a PR disaster for the Tories.

Does this change anything for Tory voters on here?

From what I believe and I have been asleep all afternoon, so sorry if it's been mentioned, but it's not a coalition and the DUP have been helping the Tories for a while now in getting certain things through the commons
God she is a tedious fucker. She should be apologising for wasting everyone's time and energy. No need for the election, she fucked it up and she should be nowhere near forming another government. The Tories have created this mess and they should sort it out. But with another leader as this one is not fit for purpose.

Nice to see she's swapped strong and stable for 'certainty'. Bit less of a mouthful, certainly.
Match made in heaven len. Didnt realise they are so backward, cant see them reigning long.

They're more of a natural fit with the tories than the lib dems were. I don't really see their coalition breaking down. I think by-elections and brexit are more likely to bring it to an end.
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