Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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I have voted labour in the past, not often but I have. The thing that gets me about the left wing of Labour is their adhesion to dogma and doctrine that all ills are down to the capitalist system and Tory politicians. One example and believe me its only one of several, just to explain my reaction. Corbyn made a big play of ending the gulf between those with advantages and those who were disadvantaged, clearly blaming the current politics of todays and past Tory governments. Never once did he acknowledge that some might be disadvantaged through their own behaviour and actions. The endless list of kids who wagged off school over the past 40 years blaming the system and life in general for them being stuck in poverty and expecting the system to bail them out. See them Monday to Friday in town. How does Corbyn intend to end their 'disadvantage'! The usual socialist answer is to take more of my hard earned cash and hand it over to them with a pat on the head telling them not to worry there is more where that came from. I know the response I will get for this is comments about it being straight out of the Daily Mail, a paper I believe to be a comic at best. You don't need to read a paper to see the waste in the countries approach to hand outs instead of enforced education.
Returning to my Anderson shelter PDQ.

Don't sweat it....Deserving, undeserving poor, scourge of welfarism....It's standard fare.
In her initial speech, May mentioned 'a period of stability', but in her subsequent interview she had dropped 'a period' and only mentioned 'stability'.

Couldn't have changed her mind, surely.
I reckon she'll be gone before the end of the month. There is so much ill feeling towards her in the Tory party. This will transmit through to the cabinet quickly enough.

Well, she's keeping the same cabinet by the look of it, she's too weak to re-shuffle.

She has been exposed as completely out of her depth, watching her now is strangely both repugnant and pitiable.
I reckon she'll be gone before the end of the month. There is so much ill feeling towards her in the Tory party. This will transmit through to the cabinet quickly enough.

If she goes we're in for another election. There's surely no way a new leader can claim any kind of mandate to rule. But elections are risky. Having seen colleagues lose their seats, a lot of Tory MPs would not be keen to go through it again.

I can see them trying to limp on for as long as possible.
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