Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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They're more of a natural fit with the tories than the lib dems were. I don't really see their coalition breaking down. I think by-elections and brexit are more likely to bring it to an end.

There are a lot of DUP policies that the tories will not countenance and a lot of Tory policies that would be electoral suicide for the DUP to back.
Politics is VERY interesting
I have voted labour in the past, not often but I have. The thing that gets me about the left wing of Labour is their adhesion to dogma and doctrine that all ills are down to the capitalist system and Tory politicians. One example and believe me its only one of several, just to explain my reaction. Corbyn made a big play of ending the gulf between those with advantages and those who were disadvantaged, clearly blaming the current politics of todays and past Tory governments. Never once did he acknowledge that some might be disadvantaged through their own behaviour and actions. The endless list of kids who wagged off school over the past 40 years blaming the system and life in general for them being stuck in poverty and expecting the system to bail them out. See them Monday to Friday in town. How does Corbyn intend to end their 'disadvantage'! The usual socialist answer is to take more of my hard earned cash and hand it over to them with a pat on the head telling them not to worry there is more where that came from. I know the response I will get for this is comments about it being straight out of the Daily Mail, a paper I believe to be a comic at best. You don't need to read a paper to see the waste in the countries approach to hand outs instead of enforced education.
Returning to my Anderson shelter PDQ.
Not the guy last night (bout 3:30 ish) said that an open Irish border was a danger to Ulster from EU citizens coming in.
Maybe it was just his opinion though and not party line.

Here is the DUP policy on Brexit.

Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)

The DUP is in favour of Northern Ireland leaving the EU but says that Brexit does not mean "leaving Europe".

It adds that it will prioritise maintaining the CTA between the UK and the Republic of Ireland.


  • frictionless border with the Irish Republic; assisting those working or travelling in the other jurisdiction
  • Northern Ireland established as a hub for trade from the Irish Republic into the broader UK market
  • comprehensive free trade and customs agreement with the EU
  • arrangements to facilitate ease of movement of people, goods and services
From here

The Brexshiteers must be apoplectic with rage they are in bed with this lot!
Don't know if this has already been said but I did notice her speech in her constituency this morning was all about WE made mistakes, We have to correct the situation WE have to work together, but during her campaign it was all about Trust "Me"and "I" will and "I" am strong and stable.

Slopey shoulder syndrome me thinks.
I have voted labour in the past, not often but I have. The thing that gets me about the left wing of Labour is their adhesion to dogma and doctrine that all ills are down to the capitalist system and Tory politicians. One example and believe me its only one of several, just to explain my reaction. Corbyn made a big play of ending the gulf between those with advantages and those who were disadvantaged, clearly blaming the current politics of todays and past Tory governments. Never once did he acknowledge that some might be disadvantaged through their own behaviour and actions. The endless list of kids who wagged off school over the past 40 years blaming the system and life in general for them being stuck in poverty and expecting the system to bail them out. See them Monday to Friday in town. How does Corbyn intend to end their 'disadvantage'! The usual socialist answer is to take more of my hard earned cash and hand it over to them with a pat on the head telling them not to worry there is more where that came from. I know the response I will get for this is comments about it being straight out of the Daily Mail, a paper I believe to be a comic at best. You don't need to read a paper to see the waste in the countries approach to hand outs instead of enforced education.
Returning to my Anderson shelter PDQ.

Mainly because it's thoughtless Daily Mail tripe.

Let me ask you a single question which should hopefully make you realise the fallacy in your argument.

Why do schools in rich areas have significantly less crime, truancy and anti social behaviour than schools in poor areas?

Answer that and you acknowledge the flaw
Here is the DUP policy on Brexit.

Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)

The DUP is in favour of Northern Ireland leaving the EU but says that Brexit does not mean "leaving Europe".

It adds that it will prioritise maintaining the CTA between the UK and the Republic of Ireland.


  • frictionless border with the Irish Republic; assisting those working or travelling in the other jurisdiction
  • Northern Ireland established as a hub for trade from the Irish Republic into the broader UK market
  • comprehensive free trade and customs agreement with the EU
  • arrangements to facilitate ease of movement of people, goods and services
From here

The Brexshiteers must be apoplectic with rage they are in bed with this lot!
Hub for trade between Republic and broader UK market? So Scotland?

Why would you send something from Dublin to Liverpool/Manchester via Belfast?
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