Potential for Serious Violence

Its all a load of tosh....!

I've been to most home derby's since 78, and hardly ever seen it kickin off around the ground... this will be no different

If anything it'll be in town after the game, when a few minor scuffles will be dealt with by the coppers, who will be out in force.
RockawayBeach said:
City hooligans...hahaha...what a fucking disgrace to our club you are...the same as all other hooligans from every other club...your not really fucking bothered about our club...just a selfish, dim, uneducated bunch of fuckwits really...the possible impact on the club & other fans is not really on your radar is it?...fucking he'll did you get past junior school or what?...the type of so called fan that should be banned from every ground in the country untik you get past puberty...what an absolute load of bollocks...total cowards as well...if you were really up for a ruck you sign up & fuck off to Afghanistan where you'd be shitting your pants in a live fucking situation...one day, if your lucky, you might mature a bit & realize that the real combat is on the pitch....

That was a highly articulate outburst. Shame I couldn't help reading it in an Alan Green voice.
Re: Potential for Seriouse Violence

rushts said:
Why cant both sets of idiotic lunatics do what the German/Polish thugs do, ie find a big field away from the game and kick f@ck out of each other there, instead of spoiling a great match/day for us civilised people.

why not have it on the pitch at half-time.
RockawayBeach said:
i8rags said:
real combat on the pitch ask petrov and robinho about that. as for me if any red shite wants to attack my club they can fuckin have it and hopefully nobs like you will be stood next to them.

Yawwwwwwnnnn.....have another cider kid...& get someone to tuck you in...
you like........them ..........gaps dont you......bet you got them in your teeth. if not i would like to put a couple there for you. by the way ive been to 82 grounds with city and gave up cider many moons ago, so you can presume all you want. if you reply, dont forget all the fucks and ............gaps............to add .............in. city til i die.
I can't see there being any trouble inside/outside the ground, i'll do my best to sway away and out the trouble if anything starts, but if anyone starts on me though i'll clump them back.
mike o said:
There'll be tons of mither,first night derby in years and they've got 6500

Anyone writing united's following off as from london/ireland/wales will get a shock tomorrow,i do sometimes wonder if the average age of posters on here is 14 :-)

Hope everyone going gets home safe and enjoys it!

You saying the Irish cant fight (lol)

All matches have the potential to erupt in violence, but the difference with derby games is you cant predict where or when it will go off.
The main flashpoints will be well covered by the GMP, but the police cant be everywhere and there will be assholes from both sides looking to pick off stragglers from the opposition, although having met the MIB's in a pub in Gorton a few hours after the last Derby cup -tie despite out numbering us about 10/1 not one of them was willing to start (& im not big and not hard).
I agree with what you say on the whole though, there are a lot of nasty b'stards on both sides and too many wannabbees that will kick an already beaten man but would beat Ossain Bolts world record if it were equal numbers.
There's loads in our end apparently. I was going to buy a ticket from someone today and he said I would be sat with a load of rags. If we score and they don't celebrate then it'll be bloody obvious anyway but if they score they can't celebrate otherwise they'll get the shit beaten out of them! I don't know why they'd bother coming into our end just to be ejected? Not as if you can enjoy it is it?
Trigger said:
Can i just ask that any violence you keep to outside the ground tomorrow I really want to be able to concentrate on the game ;)

Whats the security like tommorow night trigger? I bet it's more than you've ever known isn't it?
johnny on the spot said:
RockawayBeach said:
City hooligans...hahaha...what a fucking disgrace to our club you are...the same as all other hooligans from every other club...your not really fucking bothered about our club...just a selfish, dim, uneducated bunch of fuckwits really...the possible impact on the club & other fans is not really on your radar is it?...fucking he'll did you get past junior school or what?...the type of so called fan that should be banned from every ground in the country untik you get past puberty...what an absolute load of bollocks...total cowards as well...if you were really up for a ruck you sign up & fuck off to Afghanistan where you'd be shitting your pants in a live fucking situation...one day, if your lucky, you might mature a bit & realize that the real combat is on the pitch....

Totally agree mate, I'm taking my 9 year old boy to his first derby tomorrow and I don't want his lasting impression to be a load of idiotic neanderthals kicking shit out of each other.
Sort of reprobates that want to be gangsters when they grow up wich they inevitably don't do!
No place in football for dick heads like this, buy a motorcycle FFS if you want adrenaline rushes.

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