Potential for Serious Violence

We twatted this we twatted that , what bollox, im going to watch history in the making. If after all that i want to go all caveman, ill walk into any bar in manchester, listen for a gob shite, walk over, take him out after introducing myself, he will no doubt be red scum, and i will have slayed the caveman desire to kill a red, lets leave tommoz for the footie and twat a knobhead for the weekendz !!
Re: Potential for Seriouse Violence

Pigeonho said:
rushts said:
Why cant both sets of idiotic lunatics do what the German/Polish thugs do, ie find a big field away from the game and kick f@ck out of each other there, instead of spoiling a great match/day for us civilised people.

Because that way it would ensure that the Police wouldn't be able to intervene, meaning people WILL get good kickings all over the place. These people aren't hard, they are soft lads just acting hard in a pack. They do this in public so that they know they have no real chance of anything more serious than a punch in the face, at the most. Get ANY of these dicks in a one on one and 10 times out of 10 you will win. Our countries 'hooligans' are just little boys trying to look bigger and harder by jumping on the spot, hands aloft with there months wage of a jumper on, pathetic really.

These people aren't hard, they are soft lads just acting hard in a pack

Not exactly true. There are some really hard fuckers in both camps... The hangers on fit your description, but don't make the mistake of thinking they're all on a 'fashion parade'
if i see any of the red scum doing anything to any fellow blue, il wrap a chair round there head
This is quite serious to be fair, it's kind of like the kindergarden school trip for them all, you just wonder who's going too get lost. And whether the teacher remembers the register and they remember their packed lunches.
Re: Potential for Seriouse Violence

[quote="Pigeonho, ala 606 Get ANY of these dicks in a one on one and 10 times out of 10 you will win.[/quote]

How little you know.......

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