Poverty in UK

More nonsense I’m afraid. The connection between income of farmers and the duchy’s wealth is that the duchy is their landlord. Perhaps that passed you by.
The duchy is legally owned by the royal family and the heir is the beneficial owner.
You are fixated on the politics of envy being the motivation behind criticisms of inequality, but you cannot produce any evidence for that. You should not ascribe base motives to everybody you disagree with. It’s so childish.

He's just a nonsense generator. He doesn't actually believe most of what he says.
Because it generates replies and discussion. He's a troll/wum.
My favourite is his assertion that all the pomp and ceremony is good to watch so they’re worth every penny they’ve stolen from the country over the years.
Putting it all down to envy is a good one as well.
Wealth accumulates wealth. Often hard work doesn’t come into it. If you mean it is possible to start with nothing and become wealthy through hard work then I agree it is possible. But no easier than any country that is fundamentally capitalist.

Most people with any sort of pot to piss in are far too nice to realise if you want to accumulate wealth you need to pick just one kid and they inherit everything - they do the same and in a few generations your great great great grandkids have a bit of family wealth.

Said great great great grandkid then develop a drug, hooker or gambling habit and piss it all away. The entitled cunts.

Fortunately for your great great great grandkids your too nice so you’ll feel obligated to divide your money and shackles between your kids - or give it all to the cat shelter in the case of Kaz. Your great great great grandkids won’t develop any bad habits and will instead moan about entitled rich cunts.

*you isn’t you specifically but rather the vast majority reading this post.
False consciousness is alive and well and living in the UK.

If you want pomp and ceremony it can be arranged much more cheaply and efficiently and delivered to those who want to pay for it. There are plenty of historical reenactors in this country who would be delighted to supply such a market. Taxpayers have more important things to pay for.
I picked a chicken breast up in Asda last night with a yellow sticker on it , I ate it on the way round and put the packet in my pocket, paid for the rest of my goods and did my bit to feed the hungry for free
Not fair play to them when they inherit most of the land in Britain mate. Leaving not fucking much to ordinary workers. They will never sell it, why would they with the income they get ?

Only Scotland is actually doing something about this.

I think Zimbabwe did as well

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