Poverty in UK

It's the way life is man. The people who get massive inheritance fair play to them. But for me I just have to carry on going work.

Imagine a world where nobody worked mate? Imagine a world where you can despise the rich and hate the poor in equal measure?
It's the way life is man. The people who get massive inheritance fair play to them. But for me I just have to carry on going work.
Not fair play to them when they inherit most of the land in Britain mate. Leaving not fucking much to ordinary workers. They will never sell it, why would they with the income they get ?

Only Scotland is actually doing something about this.
Not fair play to them when they inherit most of the land in Britain mate. Leaving not fucking much to ordinary workers. They will never sell it, why would they with the income they get ?

Only Scotland is actually doing something about this.

The royal family own roughly 1.3% of the land in the UK, Gina Rinehart owns 1.2% of the Australian landmass which equates to a great deal more land than the monarchy owns.

I get you don't like the royals but let's not pretend that removing them removes inequality, it's just a republican wish that doesn't hold water here.

As for Scotland?

The Scottish land question remains unanswered – how can it possibly be just that the equivalent of 0.025% of Scotland's population own 67% of its private rural land” and describes this as “a shaming symbol of national inequality”


The royal family own roughly 1.3% of the land in the UK, Gina Rinehart owns 1.2% of the Australian landmass which equates to a great deal more land than the monarchy owns.
I see you've been busy googling...:)

It's not just the Royal family, according the article in the Independant the Aristocracy own 0.6 (that's 60%) of the land in Britain. That's Duke's, Earls, Marquis and every other entitled snob who I know you look up too as your betters.

The Kings best mate was leader of the hunt until he carked it a few weeks ago. Just shows you what kind of people you're supporting, scaring wild animals witless before they're ripped apart for "sport".

Gina Rinehart owns a mining company and most of her land is bought (unlike the aristocracy). It is mainly outback where nobody would want to live anyway.
I see you've been busy googling...:)

It's not just the Royal family, according the article in the Independant the Aristocracy own 0.6 (that's 60%) of the land in Britain. That's Duke's, Earls, Marquis and every other entitled snob who I know you look up too as your betters.

The Kings best mate was leader of the hunt until he carked it a few weeks ago. Just shows you what kind of people you're supporting, scaring wild animals witless before they're ripped apart for "sport".

Gina Rinehart owns a mining company and most of her land is bought (unlike the aristocracy). It is mainly outback where nobody would want to live anyway.

You're one of the good guys mate, whilst we may not agree I genuinely respect your opinion. We are never going to agree and in my world there's nowt wrong with that :)
I don't get why people in the UK think it's ok for these entitled few to own all this land in the United Kingdom.
I'm not bothered by the guy in Wales who has a holiday home with 2 jet skis and a Maserati. he could've inherited his parents house to pay for that. I don't mind anyone making money legally with a business, employing people.

Th aristocracy are worth billions, they are born as the Earl, the Duke, the Marquis of bollocks.
It starts with the Royal family and goes all the way down. The Prince of Wales owns 133,000 acres (but he won't fix the roads and he won't allow any farmer to buy his farm or make improvements), and yet most young nurses, teachers or care workers can't afford a terraced 2 up 2 down in a working class town. Let alone the fucking rates and heating bills, It's a preposterous state of affairs.

Surely it's time for a reset with all this unfairness, class system snobbery and land ownership. Starting with becoming a republic and getting rid of titles. Nobody should have a title. Release 20 million acres of Britain for the people who actually deserve a slice of it.
Agree entirely. I have been in favour of a republic all my adult life. We would be a much healthier country if aristocratic titles, the ludicrous honours system and much else, including the monarchy, were abolished.
The people who have suffered the most under this system, what might be called the working class, are the greatest supporters of this system. Baffling. Meanwhile it took nearly a hundred years from the Countryside Act for people to get access to what was common land before the Enclosure Acts.
Shout out to Ewan McColl who was the publicity officer for the mass trespass of Kinder Scout which started the slow slow process of giving us back our own land. Shout out also to those who went to jail for that trespass.
George Bernard Shaw said: “The Englishman has become a trespasser in his own land.”
Up the revolution!
It really really doesn't mate, there are people the world over with entitled inherited wealth and for me I would put up with a bit of envy if it keeps us away from the big C and a wardrobe full of itchy jackets and berets.

Nobody really owns the land in Britain, it changes over and over again. I am happy to be in the position I am of having warmth food drink and a family, I will leave the envy to the middle classes Bill.
@mexico1970 said: “Nobody really owns land in Britain”
The royal family have owned Cornwall, the Scilly Isles and much else besides in the Duchy since 1337. The current rents from the county which go to the heir to the throne exceed £20m pa. The average income of farmers there is less than £20,000 pa.

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