poznan next season

BlueHalli said:
People just need to turn around and try and start it off . It spreads like wild fire but it just needs a few to attempt to get it goin . Be brilliant to do it against b Munich .
Tried it briefly in SS against Newcastle with four other guys, no one was interested. I think it'll stick around as a piss take against the rags and that's it now tbh which is a shame. It's a great atmosphere builder and the players liked it.
Hi all,

I'm just wondering if you can help? I'm doing some research into cultural trends in football and I'm focussing on the poznan. If anyone's got the time could you answer the question - why do/did you do it?

Was it because it's a laugh? It's a great sight? It's good for the atmosphere? It makes you stand out from other fans? It helps the players? Annoys opposition fans? Or something else?

city_blue85 said:
Hi all,

I'm just wondering if you can help? I'm doing some research into cultural trends in football and I'm focussing on the poznan. If anyone's got the time could you answer the question - why do/did you do it?

Was it because it's a laugh? It's a great sight? It's good for the atmosphere? It makes you stand out from other fans? It helps the players? Annoys opposition fans? Or something else?


yeah it looks good, its a bit of a laugh, it helps the atmosphere and more than anything its just what city do, don't take things to seriously, a lot of things we've do/do over the years has been tongue in cheek.
city_blue85 said:
Hi all,

I'm just wondering if you can help? I'm doing some research into cultural trends in football and I'm focussing on the poznan. If anyone's got the time could you answer the question - why do/did you do it?

Was it because it's a laugh? It's a great sight? It's good for the atmosphere? It makes you stand out from other fans? It helps the players? Annoys opposition fans? Or something else?


I'd say all of the above, plus it broke down a few social barriers, made people around each other feel more comfortable with each other which then led to a much better atmosphere. Bring it back I say!
Well done kippax corner for doing the poznan when 6 - 0 up saturday, i was in SS and attempted to start it but no no...................

BBP, bring back poznan...
trevorriley said:
Well done kippax corner for doing the poznan when 6 - 0 up saturday, i was in SS and attempted to start it but no no...................

BBP, bring back poznan...

Me too. Needs to start catching on more. Love it.

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