
kippax kid said:
Sorry jimharri I'm a **** of a man for not getting my grammar correct, please forgive me. The point I made still stands , he just be-leaved and got giddy, so what .
Sorry, but i disagree. He's just giving a stick to the media to beat us with. They're bad enough left to their own devices, without any help from blues. If he is a blue. It just comes across as cocky or arrogant, traits we've always slagged the rags off about.
As if the press need a stick, they have been having a go at us now for 4years so what I do not give a flying fuck any more . chill lad, Its not like the team give a fuck any more , we just keep going and we will get there, we will win the league on Sunday so this means nowt mate.
jimharri said:
whitt said:
Blue2112 said:
The bird next to her husband happens to be a work colleague of my wife and for the record they both go home and away every fucking week. I have no idea why he was texting,we all do daft things at strange times, maybe he was texting his kids who couldn't go, but some of you City fans piss me fucking right off. He and she was there at Newcastle and was there at most aways this season, don't know why we seem to belittle our own when there's enough fuckin rags to take the piss out of.

The guy looked like an emotional nervous wreck, the goal was relief for him.
I know the feeling. I couldn't face watching the game yesterday; spent the early part of the afternoon mowing the lawns!

Hee! Hee! is that euphemism for having a bowel movement? ;-)
tolmie's hairdoo said:
The City fan pictured with his champions T-shirt outside the City store.

Not sure if a set-up or really just thick.

Sky Sports showing the interview outside the store, which is fooking naughty because there is no way our club are selling these.

kippax kid said:
As if the press need a stick, they have been having a go at us now for 4years so what I do not give a flying fuck any more . chill lad, Its not like the team give a fuck any more , we just keep going and we will get there, we will win the league on Sunday so this means nowt mate.

Well if the team don't give a fuck then we're all fucked.
MaxCityBlue said:
jimharri said:
whitt said:
The guy looked like an emotional nervous wreck, the goal was relief for him.
I know the feeling. I couldn't face watching the game yesterday; spent the early part of the afternoon mowing the lawns!

Hee! Hee! is that euphemism for having a bowel movement? ;-)

I would have said the same if i didn't know that he did actually go to relax doing the lawn hehe.
MaxCityBlue said:
jimharri said:
whitt said:
The guy looked like an emotional nervous wreck, the goal was relief for him.
I know the feeling. I couldn't face watching the game yesterday; spent the early part of the afternoon mowing the lawns!

Hee! Hee! is that euphemism for having a bowel movement? ;-)

More likely waxing the missus' pits etc...
jimharri said:
Blue Smarties said:
Someone get a grab, even better, JOTS post a YouTube link.

This is him. Sorry about the quality; took a photo of the telly while the report was playing.

looks like this clown and where is ovrille

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