Premier League's own FFP restrictions?

Re: Rags pushing for FFP in the Premiership now

LoveCity said:
Cobwebcat said:
I hope I'm right that Scudamore would definitely NOT be in favour.

He proposed it which completely contradicts his comments from late last season.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ier-league</a>

Another hypocrite then. Time for a big sponsorship deal.
All I know is our owners will not allow anything that damages their position and they are big enough and wise enough to cover ever eventuality.

Sit back and enjoy the rags squirm :)
Spectacular levels of bullshit and hypocrisy from the Sky4 but did we expect any different? Couldn't beat us on the pitch, so resort to something else.
Desperation. Wouldn't worry about it. Our owner and his team are light years ahead of all these clowns. They're living in the past when they had their little monopoly and everyone knew their places in it.
The Premiership has a winning formular. It's one of our very few successful exports.....and now we are going to fuck that up too to keep Platini Liverpool and the Rags happy.

The rule they actually want is that the trophy is given to the rags two out of every three seasons with Arsenal and Liverpool taking turns at the other. They should just get on with it and watch the product die a slow death.

In some respects I wouldn't blame our owners if they said "you know what forget our investment in Manchester, the facilities, the jobs, the regeneration. All you want is to see the Rags win over and over. See ya"
There is a light said:
It says the proposal was backed by a number of clubs, but only mentions West Ham, the Dippers, United and Arsenal.

Getting things in perspective, how many of the teams would realistically back this?

Well if West Ham are in favour who knows. The Dippers and Rags have got Turkeys voting for Christmas. I just hope they are too late to stop us now we have the CL income coming in. Some clubs seem happy to know their place.
We are in the top 10 clubs on the planet by revenue, in terms of the Deloitte Money League. This is revenue, money generated.

We are in the best position of any club outside the sky four.

If we won the league and CL this season, we'd surely not only break even but report a profit in the next set of financial figures. It's arguable that with just another title win alone we could break even, assuming no major expenditure on players in the next 8 days or in January.

In short, is there not an argument that we need not give too much of a fuck?

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