Press hitting us really hard at the moment

Brilliant the more vitriolic they become the more frightened they are of us. Fuck em all, the press, sky, other managers I just don't give a fucking shit. After 33 years of watching what can only be described as dross for the first time I am actually getting a little excited about the start of a season believing we can relinquish the typical city tag and achieve something in my lifetime. For all you doom merchants and worriers go watch the rags or something, city are not any club it is almost a religion following our club you need faith. I don't expect us to steamroller the prem league, there will be many ups and downs but for me I can see us winning something and as for anyone who is not on board do one.
Pigeonho said:
Tarnats left peg said:
i've watched all the pre season games and i still can't work out what kind of system we are trying to play.
Have Kolarov, Silva, Boateng and Tevez played in those games, you know, 4 of our most important players? How can we possibly play the way we will in the PL with those 4 players not in the team at present? The states trip was a PR and fitness outing, thats it. Mancini will know how he wants us to play, otherwise he wouldn't have bought those new payers to fit in with his game. i wish people wouldn't bother watching pre season, because all its doing is spawning a breed of demoralised, confused and pissed off people who just want to moan about every single thing they can find to moan about. I care only about what 11 is put out v Spurs, and what that 11 does. Pre-season is completely and utterly meaningless.

Couldn't put it better myself,i'm reading nothing into our performances pre season,and convinced you'll see a different City on the 14th of AUGUST.The press will always give City a hammering,they are so far up Fergusons arse they know what he had for his last meal.We have rocked the boat big time pre season and the club has moved forward a million miles from the bad old days.This will get a lot worse when we take the next step this in our progression.
Chris in London said:
what pisses me off is that we constantly fail to deliever

Let's remember we are constantly failing to deliver on more and more ambitious targets.

A couple of seasons ago the target was 'European football' and we missed out on that by a place or two. Last season the target was 'champions league' and we missed out by a place. We also wanted 'a wembley final' and we were pipped in the 93rd minute of the second leg of the semi final by the rags. (In a game which, satisfyingly, cost them the title, if you remember the decision to play Ferdinand and the extended ban they gave him).

What is the betting we reach a cup final this year and lose it? What is the betting that if our target is the title, we miss out again and come third?

The truth is, however, that we are getting better and better and our targets are getting higher and higher. And they will continue to do so. When we win our first trophy, the next target will be a better trophy - if we win the CC it will be the FAC or the EPL - if we win the league, our next target will be the CL. And so it goes on. In a few years, let's hope that our target is the treble and we only win the EPL and the champions league.

We are getting better and better all the time. Let's enjoy the ride, let's remember the trips to York and Colchester, let's remember not scoring at home between new years day and the middle of august, let's remember Steve Daley and Gerry Creaney, and let's not lose faith in where we are going.

Good post - I went to York City and it was a real low point and Colchester. Cannot believe some of the posters on here - we are trying to get the players fit at the moment... but if we don't win every pre season game we are doomed!

The season hasn't even started and some posters are sreading doom and gloom - god help us if we lose a couple of games. City fans used to be a lot of fun but we seem to be in danger of taking ourselves too seriously at the moment - if we arn't carful we will continue to have a new manager every 12 to 18 months - and we all know that has got us nowhere.
This just sums them up. From NOTW:

He has been told that if he stays at City he is likely to play next season, but boss Roberto Mancini desperately needs to trim his 38-man squad to comply with new Premier League rules that allow a maximum of 25 players.

Adebayor, 26, cost £25million last summer and so far the only firm offer has been a loan bid from Marseille, who have no chance of covering even half his wages.

There has been no interest from any English clubs in the player who scored just 14 goals in his first season at Manchester City.

So 1) he has been told he will play but we need to reduce our sqaud. Of course this means we will keep jo, rsc but let our top players leave to bring the sqaud down.

And 2) ONLY 14 goals. he missed 1/2 the season you twats
I don't think I have ever done a news search on Google or Yahoo that has ever resulted in any positive articles regarding City. It's always 'neer do wells,' and 'manchester's other team,' or, 'shitty city,' but if you look at the most hated teams in any sport; it usually means they are doing something right!!!
yankcitizen76 said:
I don't think I have ever done a news search on Google or Yahoo that has ever resulted in any positive articles regarding City. It's always 'neer do wells,' and 'manchester's other team,' or, 'shitty city,' but if you look at the most hated teams in any sport; it usually means they are doing something right!!!

I was flicking through the lonely planet Cities book yesterday, and turned to the page on Manchester.Each City has a strength and a weakness, and the cheeky bastards had our beloved football club has a weakness!

Probably some snot nosed cockney rag that has never been within a hundred mile of Manchester that done the article.
i can remember i think it was 68 or might be 69, we played in amerca on pre season, we came back not won a game, tony book was crippled for a number of weeks with a bad achilese tendon injury inflicted by a horrendous tackle, their was about 5 to 6 players out for a number of weeks, it was in fact a lot worst than this tour, as soon as i heard we were playing over there i had bad vibes about it, yes certainly everyone is going to want to beat us, if you annalise last season loads of sides raised their game against us that is why i think we did great to finish 5th, coupled together with the fa,s and media biased yes we did well? i am just glad we didn,t get many injuries, the only critisizm i have is the same players making the same mistakes as last year micha richards total lack of being able to read a game and mark his position stevie irelands lack of commitment and just a number of lack of intelligence in the side, if you think sides were commited against us in the u s, just wait till the season starts and the fa start to panic, city have to be up for it, everyman jack of them? but we have to be more up for it than ever!!!
Pigeonho said:
Tarnats left peg said:
i've watched all the pre season games and i still can't work out what kind of system we are trying to play.
Have Kolarov, Silva, Boateng and Tevez played in those games, you know, 4 of our most important players? How can we possibly play the way we will in the PL with those 4 players not in the team at present? The states trip was a PR and fitness outing, thats it. Mancini will know how he wants us to play, otherwise he wouldn't have bought those new payers to fit in with his game. i wish people wouldn't bother watching pre season, because all its doing is spawning a breed of demoralised, confused and pissed off people who just want to moan about every single thing they can find to moan about. I care only about what 11 is put out v Spurs, and what that 11 does. Pre-season is completely and utterly meaningless.

I do'nt really care about the results but, to be fair, of the players you said are missing only Tevez was missing from last seasons squad.
You will have to forgive me, I haven't a clue what the press are saying about City, as I still have lots of Charmin Ultra left to wipe my arse all over at the minute, no requirement for a NoTW, Star, Sun or any other comic book that they sell at the newsagents nowadays.

They say Tevez wants out......2 days ago he was asking Torres to join and saying he had never regretted joining City, as it was best decision he had ever made, I will believe the player of a hack with a grudge

Adebayor wants out or we want rid.....ah I wondered why we were playing him last night and even gave him a new squad number (9)......must mean we are getting rid that.

Robinho....nobody wants him and he doesn't want us.....well can you blame any other side for not wanting this waster?, as for him not wanting us, try the other way around, we just cannot get rid because he is a gutless pile of shit who would much rather stay in a Sunday Pub standard league.

Hart wants off if he is not first choice.....well boo fucking who, get rid then, I want players here who want to play because they are the best, not because they expect to play or think they are something special.....he is that special, England took a 40 year old ahead of him and a cumbersome keeper as number 1.......players who are strong mentally win titles, trophies and achieve anything, Hart strikes me as weak mentally and quite happy to play first team football for the likes of Wolves, Brum etc, rather than better himself by improving and playing because he has earnt it, not been given it on a plate.

Balotelli doesn't want to join........not what they said last week, or what he said at his Milan party, and certainly not what he has stated to italian media before now, then again, maybe because we are not signing players over a 24 hour period, must mean they don't want to come here.........we have no history you know!.

Ireland, Bellamy and de Jong might not make the 25.......well that is not what I think, and I can draft up 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 alternatives for Manchester City's 25 man squad for the next season, and they all feature in them, I can smell the shit from the newspapers from here both coming out of their mouth and arse, and the stench aint going away.

We lost to Inter Milan and played poorly.....what you mean the current European Champions, Serie A Champions and Italy's best side over the last 6 seasons, and a side who have had a settled side throughout that spell, with players the calibre of Cambiasso, Eto'o, Zanetti and Stankovic to call upon, whilst they await the other 20 odd players who played in the WC to come back for them.....and when we were down to 10 men......that Inter team?....well strike me down, I seem to recall United lost to Kansas City Wizards and some Mexican side, and nothing to slate them or their team, from either the press or their must be the winning mentality that their fans have, that they expect their side to get it right when it matters, unlike the majority of City fans, who resemble a Manic Depressive.

I couldn't give two shits what the press think, say or do when City play and lose, play poorly or sign the next megastar that they do purchase.

I couldn't give a flying fuck what fans of United, Liverpool, Villa, Arsenal, Everton, Yids or even Chelsea think about City, personnally I don't give their team the time of day, and have no interest in what they do, how, where or when, but it is nice to realise that we are the team they think of, in the morning, at noon whilst at school, work or dole and then the last thing they think of at night before dreaming of what it is like to be blue.....have them sides signed anybody, as if so I haven't heard of any signings, mind you like I said, I really don't give a toss.

Yes the press will slate Mancini when City lose, then again half this board already do, and are all at it, that board is full of whingers, the opposing fans will laugh and gloryfy the fact that City have lost, which shows me, that they are scared of us, worry about us and fear us.....not something you would do to a team that is "small time", or "not any danger".

And finally who gives a fuck what BetFred thinks about managers, them clueless thick bastards have got Mancini to be first to lose his job, because Hughes was sacked mid-season with the team 7th, but at the time we were dropping points all over the place, a mess on the field, nothing changing and no sign of any change, and finally Mark Hughes was the manager appointed by Thaksin Shinawatara, NOT HH Sheikh Mansour, and looking at his Abu Dhabi club (Al Jaziera FC), he is not one for sacking managers, he gives a manager time and the chance to show he is guess is Roberto Mancini will be here for at least 3 years, whether we end top 4 or not, and that as far as I am concerned, is a GREAT THING.

For media, just browse <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> or <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> or read MANC, City Magazine or any other Matchday it propoganda or whatever you want, but I would take the word from people within the club over some braindead newspaper reporter who has dreamed shit up from his armchair anyday of the week.

Also check out Brian Marwood's interview in the latest City Mag......the new rules he states will not stop City spending as lavishly as they are doing at the minute, should they feel the need to......the Eastlands project and sponsors will no doubt see to that....not too mention all these "City kits" we now sell in India, USA and Abu Dhabi to name a few places.<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:14 pm --<br /><br />
mancunial said:
i can remember i think it was 68 or might be 69, we played in amerca on pre season, we came back not won a game, tony book was crippled for a number of weeks with a bad achilese tendon injury inflicted by a horrendous tackle, their was about 5 to 6 players out for a number of weeks, it was in fact a lot worst than this tour, as soon as i heard we were playing over there i had bad vibes about it, yes certainly everyone is going to want to beat us, if you annalise last season loads of sides raised their game against us that is why i think we did great to finish 5th, coupled together with the fa,s and media biased yes we did well? i am just glad we didn,t get many injuries, the only critisizm i have is the same players making the same mistakes as last year micha richards total lack of being able to read a game and mark his position stevie irelands lack of commitment and just a number of lack of intelligence in the side, if you think sides were commited against us in the u s, just wait till the season starts and the fa start to panic, city have to be up for it, everyman jack of them? but we have to be more up for it than ever!!!

Spot on.............did that side that couldn't win in the US back then, which also contained the likes of Colin Bell, Francis Lee, Mike Doyle and Mike Summerbee......they won 2 trophies didn't they also that year?....the FA Cup and ECWC..

I guess pre-season games really do matter and are a good gauge barrometer of how well the season will go.

I personally think when the season starts, the lads will be up for it, but they will still have to play well, and have some kind of fair play from the officials, if we get a ref that was anything like last nights officiating our games next season, then it won't matter how well we play, we will not win, the ref will see to that.
Mastes1 said:
winnie said:
over the next 2 games I'm sure we'll see a different city, this trip to the states was just a working holiday!
I saw about 5 of Liverpools pre-season games last year, they lost most of them and played terrible yet the fans were saying "pre-season means nothing", "training exercise", "when the season starts, we will play a lot better" etc, well guess what, the season started and they were just as terrible than they were in the pre-season games!.
These games DO matter, especialy in the sense of getting the team up to speed in the way they will play and the style of football they will play in the first few games of the season, anyone who thinks these games mean nothing just doesn't realy understand football.

What exactly is your point? We had a bad pre-season last year losing to Orlando Pirates, Kaizer Chiefs, Rangers and drawing with Barnsley for crying out loud. And then think about how we started the season and where we ended up. Thought about it? Exactly.

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