Previous UK government ‘covered up’ financial turmoil ahead of election

The oddest thing about all of this is there hasn't been any money for years. The financial black hole is not £20bn, it's £2.6 TRILLION. The £20bn figure comes from an arbitrary line drawn in the sand where commitments were baselined against that line.

They could however still spend an extra £50bn and call it a £70bn black hole but the existence of that hole doesn't actually matter. Successive governments have clearly done this since time began, including the last Labour government. If they hadn't then we wouldn't be running such high levels of borrowing and debt.

Labour said that they'd put honesty, integrity and service back into politics but on week 4 they've chosen to blame the last government for why they're now about to fail in government. They're acting no differently to how the Tories did when they got into power 14 years ago.

If they're going to be a government of investment and change alongside one with fiscal rules then they need to make hard decisions around where money is being spent. Simply throwing their arms up and saying there is no money so cheers cya in 5 years is not good enough.
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I wouldn’t be so sure about that. They are coming after your savings (which you have already paid tax on) and pension funds. Not the copper bottomed gold plated public service pension funds. Oh no, that would never do. Just the hard working people who have contributed to their pension fund for the best part of 50 years. That’s fair game. Labour: the politics of envy, spite and hatred.
You just made that up, stop being hysterical , lol
Me. The Tories totally fucked up the economy leaving Labour to clear up the mess. Finances are not the only other thing the Tories totally fucked up leaving Labout to sort it
Heard it before when the Tories got in. The country was fucked because of Labour funding all the benefit bums leaving the Tories to clean up the mess.
Same shit different party.

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