blue b4 the moon
Well-Known Member
Right in the bin Bob, right in the bin.Hypothetical question but early one morning postie brings a conspicuous looking envelope containing your imminent appointment to Buck Palace to become Sir Blue B4 for outstanding service to our Moons surface so would you accept it or throw away a knighthood that you so rightly deserve for tirelessly working your clout off since 2005.In the style of Brianne off Tarth you my friend would bend of that knee and your Cromwellian adventures would be at an end.
I was crusing at the last big wedding, the one with the vicar who was crazy, honestly couldn't tell you off the top of my head which 2 out of William, Harry, Sophie or Kate we're getting hitchedI or who is married to who.
I digress It was cup final day, the game available nowhere on ship on a sea day, the big screen on top deck had the fucking wedding on, the ship was red, white & blue everywhere, the only safe place from all the fawning was at the bow upwind of the speakers. The smoking area was unfortunately in front of the speakers. The one good thing out of the day was I smoked much much less.
It was an AI cruse but at the end after they were wed staff provided some sugary tat cake (red white and blue) cocktail's (same colour scheme) just from looking at them they looked awful, it was like feeding time at the zoo, food & drink drink spilled grabbed by the handful. Seen better behaviour in the Wembley bogs.
Let me place the question back to you. Queenie jumps in your cab, has no cash as usual & wouldn't expect to pay. Would you drive her back to one of her pads that we all pay for or kick her out?
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