Priti Vacant has a plan, a deal with migrants plan.

It's actually a disgrace we don't allow people to choose how they want to see out their final years. And the impact on loved ones is huge.

It's just another subject that doesn't get talked about especially by politicians.

If you start a go fund me page for your trip to dignitas, you might find a few donors on here ;)
It would help our economy to do so. If you don’t want immigrants to fill these job vacancies and Brits don’t want to do these jobs, then crops go unpicked, prices of food then increase and people have an even less money.

Whilst your ideology is optimal in the long run for the country, it simply doesn’t work in the short term.
When you say people have less money do you mean people like you or me? I'm fully aware people don't like short term problems. The country is run on a election cycle.

I always find the biggest lovers of cheap labour are the ones whose job won't be affected by it. By the way it doesn't affect me financially and I'm strange that I would gladly forego wealth and material gain for a better country.

We happily pay to see someone kick a ball on 300k a week
We strike so someone who says ticket please gets a nice pay rise
We choke our kids in a leased car because it makes us feel good
Those who look after the vulnerable? Get those immigrants to do it. Much better than your food bill going up.

There is enough money out there people have just been conned into believing there isn't. Some obviously know this but they are doing very well.
When you say people have less money do you mean people like you or me? I'm fully aware people don't like short term problems. The country is run on a election cycle.

I always find the biggest lovers of cheap labour are the ones whose job won't be affected by it. By the way it doesn't affect me financially and I'm strange that I would gladly forego wealth and material gain for a better country.

We happily pay to see someone kick a ball on 300k a week
We strike so someone who says ticket please gets a nice pay rise
We choke our kids in a leased car because it makes us feel good
Those who look after the vulnerable? Get those immigrants to do it. Much better than your food bill going up.

There is enough money out there people have just been conned into believing there isn't. Some obviously know this but they are doing very well.
I’m not advocating cheap labour. We need the jobs not being done, done.
No employer should ever be allowed to pay less than minimum wage to anyone, so the source of the labour should be immaterial. (I believe that when we were in the EU there was some fiddle whereby some immigrants were paid less. This should never have been allowed, and was clearly a failure of national policy.) Whether the minimum wage is adequate is another argument. If it isn't, it should be increased, but that is up to Parliament.

If you, as a native, cannot compete with someone for whom English is a second language, it might be pertinent to ask - why? Maybe it's some failure of the work ethic?

I do not see why employers should be forced to employ (for example) lazy ne'er-do-wells with a drug habit just because those people were 'lucky' enough to be born here. Employers have a right to be able to employ the employable.
I am absolutely convinced the no ID Cards thing is a major attraction. It makes it much easier to live under the radar and work in the black economy. We are unique in Europe in not having them.

Unfortunately, all RWNJs hate ID cards. This is a major elephant in the room that no one will acknowledge.

You are right.

I read this about a month ago in the news and was shocked that I agreed with Tony Blair!:

"Tony Blair has launched a new drive for ID cards as he claims it would tackle illegal migration.

A report by the former prime minister’s institute, published on Friday, said the weakest link in the Government’s approach to migration was its failure to crack down on a black market fuelled by unscrupulous employers giving jobs to illegal migrants.

It proposed a “digital identity verification” system for all Britons which would be required to claim benefits or work in the UK. To get an ID card, individuals would have to demonstrate they had a legal right to reside in the UK and verify their identity via their passport or equivalent document.

It resurrects a plan that the former prime minister introduced when he was in government but which was repealed as soon as David Cameron’s coalition government took power in 2010 following opposition from human rights lawyers, activists, security professionals and IT experts.

The proposal follows a doubling to more than 14,200 in the number of migrants reaching the UK in small boats across the Channel. There are estimated to be between 310,000 to 500,000 illegal migrants living in the UK, on top of a backlog of more than 100,000 awaiting an asylum decision.

“The UK is an attractive destination partly because parts of our labour market are under-regulated, which means it is easier to work in the informal economy (and therefore disappear off the radar) than in countries where you must prove your right to work and reside,” said the report.

“Common sense would suggest that this continues to represent a significant pull factor for those seeking to attempt dangerous journeys to the UK.”

Part of the problem is though that anything Tony Blair thinks is a good idea, well immediately x% of people are just going to disagree with it, because its him! This article doesn't mention RWNJs, it says it was blocked by "human rights lawyers, activists, security professionals and IT experts." but I get what you mean.

It really is weird that people like Farage and Rees-Mogg moan about the migration issue on the one hand but due to their unshakeable belief in Britishness and that because the frenchies have ID docs, we mustn't, they are in effect blocking a solution to a problem they want solving!

The fact is, in WWII we had I.D. cards and we should have just kept them going - there'd have been no 'Windrush Scandal' because when we needed people in the 40's and 50's they'd have been given their documentation, on arrival and that would have been that. 50 years later & anyone tries to deport me, I'd just flash the id card: problem solved.

As I said the other day, we are in a similar situation now to that of 1948 - we need to import people to keep the country running. ID cards should be implemented for everyone - it would help the Police too, in all sorts of ways and stop a major pull factor causing people to risk everything to get across the channel.

The only people who wouldn't agree to this are people who have something to hide and I don't understand the whole 'it is un-British' argument that some other people put forward. It really seems a no-brainer. It would also mean an end to 10-yearly census thingies as the people who plan services and infrastructure would have real-time information about population stats.

I was never a big fan of Tony Blair, I blame much of what is wrong with the county on stuff he did & I think he is to blame for Brexit too - but he is right on this.
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I’m not advocating cheap labour. We need the jobs not being done, done.
Okay the immigrant/refugee lands today along with your million others what pay is he getting picking fruit or looking after the elderly. Now you have created your employers market and kept your taxes down.

If people don't want a better and fairer country and are unwilling to pay for it then maybe they don't deserve a strawberry and should have to sit in A&E for 14 hours.

The fact is we will do what we always do and the future will be very close to how you see it.

We don't change anything on here just discuss ideas or put barriers in the way to discussion.
Okay the immigrant/refugee lands today along with your million others what pay is he getting picking fruit or looking after the elderly. Now you have created your employers market and kept your taxes down.

If people don't want a better and fairer country and are unwilling to pay for it then maybe they don't deserve a strawberry and should have to sit in A&E for 14 hours.

The fact is we will do what we always do and the future will be very close to how you see it.

We don't change anything on here just discuss ideas or put barriers in the way to discussion.
I do get what you are saying and would love it to happen.

I just can’t see how we migrate from where we are to how you suggest.
No employer should ever be allowed to pay less than minimum wage to anyone, so the source of the labour should be immaterial. (I believe that when we were in the EU there was some fiddle whereby some immigrants were paid less. This should never have been allowed, and was clearly a failure of national policy.) Whether the minimum wage is adequate is another argument. If it isn't, it should be increased, but that is up to Parliament.

If you, as a native, cannot compete with someone for whom English is a second language, it might be pertinent to ask - why? Maybe it's some failure of the work ethic?

I do not see why employers should be forced to employ (for example) lazy ne'er-do-wells with a drug habit just because those people were 'lucky' enough to be born here. Employers have a right to be able to employ the employable.
The rates of pay has everything to do with it. Some people would like to look after other people. When people say jobs brits don't want to do the reality is different.
I do get what you are saying and would love it to happen.

I just can’t see how we migrate from where we are to how you suggest.
The problem is the discussion is never debated and people can blame companies govts or whoever. But at the end of the day they have zero power until the population gives it them.

The Tories are cunts but why wouldn't they be they were voted in by cunts. And that doesn't mean the rest are much better.

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