Priti Vacant has a plan, a deal with migrants plan.

Those are all true but then there’s the likelihood they have illegal work organised or the promise of that.

And as Ive already posted..... more than 70% of asylum seekers have their request for asylum granted by the UK. This figure increases to over 80% on appeal. Whilst they are waiting for their claim to be heard they are housed and paid £39.63 a week to pay for toiletries and food... they are not allowed to work.

They are deported if their appeal fails. If they are granted asylum and commit a criminal offence punishable by more than 12 months in prison they can then be deported as well.

If they are here illegally then they cannot claim benefits or use the NHS as they do not hold a National Insurance number.

As Ive also pointed out before.... If change to the UN Refugee Convention was really wanted by the Government of this country they would be either lobbying the UN for it or looking to withdraw (bit embarrassing as it was drafted by the UK in the first place) but they're not are they? Thats because they realise that in the big scheme of things Asylum seekers are not that big a problem .

You're being played ..... but you wont accept it.
You're being played ..... but you wont accept it

I'm not sure what will happen when he finally clocks this, if that is possible.

There's a village somewhere who has just reported a missing person.

And Ive already covered it

1) They speak the language or
2) They have family here or
3) They have community here or
4) The UK doesn't have an extradition treaty with the country they have left

You'd do the same.
I think one of the big pull factors not listed is that we don't have identity cards. This is quite ironic really because some of the biggest opponents of the cross channel migrants e.g. Nigel Farage are also very much against I.D. cards.... "it's just not British". Which is why I always tune out when he starts banging on about illegal migrants, as he is against one of the key pull factors.

Now, why is it that people want to get away from a country that has an I.D. card system (France) to a country that doesn't (UK)? I don't really know.
Indeed. If we don’t bring more people in, our care, NHS and hospitality sectors will be severely understaffed.

That’s the immediate problem we face.

Worrying about what happens in 60 years seems less important somehow, at the moment.
Unfortunately that is the attitude that has got us here. Self interest is not new and it will not change.
Unfortunately that is the attitude that has got us here. Self interest is not new and it will not change.
Sure, but stopping all immigration means we’re fucked pretty quickly.

No one is advocating unlimited migration of people, just enough for our and other countries to work.

It also gives us time to come up with better solutions to the issue rather than cutting our nose of to spite our face.
Anyone who comes here for me if they want to educate themselves learn a trade work hard am all for it! We do have an ageing population and they say the population now has peaked it will drop so rapidly in the next 30/50 years that western countries be crying out for young healthy men!

We need to be processing them a lot more quickly get them into the community and working am sure once processed they’ll be in the system if they are not here to contribute to our country and just to take the piss we will deport them back to there country..
I am absolutely convinced the no ID Cards thing is a major attraction. It makes it much easier to live under the radar and work in the black economy. We are unique in Europe in not having them.

Unfortunately, all RWNJs hate ID cards. This is a major elephant in the room that no one will acknowledge.
Sure, but stopping all immigration means we’re fucked pretty quickly.

No one is advocating unlimited migration of people, just enough for our and other countries to work.

It also gives us time to come up with better solutions to the issue rather than cutting our nose of to spite our face.
Time? Really? What year, decade century did we know that people are gonna be living longer? When did we know about the environmental damage we cause? Maybe there isn't a solution(there will be but its not convenient you see especially for those who are happy to destroy before they pop their clogs)

Too many people do well and care little about the consequences. Two things can happen. Ever increasing population bad or it halts and we have to solve the problems that causes. Most people prefer to pass the inevitable into the future.

Your view would be exactly the same as that shared by most going back many generations.

If your in favour of unlimited immigration say so if not give us a figure and then tell us what happens if your figure is reached in say October. What do you do with the people who want to come after that?

It's a complicated situation let people in or don't let any is far too simplistic.
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