It's a sad state this country has come to with regard to the plight of migrants crossing the channel, but legislation is now passing through parliament that will make it illegal, with up to 10 years in prison, to rescue those in peril on the sea.
I have sailed on a friends yacht on many occasions, admittedly around the waters of Wales and not in the Channel, but I don't believe I could ever find it acceptable to ignore drowning people if we happened upon them, wherever and whoever they are. I would do my utmost to rescue them.
This legislation goes against every grain of decency I possess. I couldn't do it, and if preserving life is against the law, then so be it.
Populism is the crime here, not simple human behaviour I would hope was extended if I found myself in trouble and needed help.
The tories are, after all, the party that willingly voted to let hungry children starve during the school holidays, so it shouldn't be a surprise they want us to sail past drowning people.
Evil isn't a strong enough term to describe them.