Priti Vacant has a plan, a deal with migrants plan.

The witch is doing a grand job , why is she still in position
Oh, our Glorious Leader says she is doing a grand job.

That's all she needs.

A lying and morally bankrupt premier protecting a lying and morally decrepit home secretary.

Populism rules, democracy doesn't mean anything to them, power is everything, and they've got dissent and criticism sorted out.

I'll see you in the Tower!
France is a safe country, so are all the countries of the EU, but they are only safe if you are an EU citizen.

It is the EU who have created the problem, because the EU is a Neo Liberal entity. It is as exploitative for a refugee/migrant as if they had stayed at home. Neo Liberalism exploits the poorest in society and refugees/migrants are the amongst the poorest.

I have every sympathy with the man from Sudan, because he is not at fault, it is not his fault that the get Brexit done lunatics relied on the racists and the politically unaware.

Brexit is failing not because Brexit is wrong, but because it has been hijacked by a Libertarian fringe movement that convinced the poor people there lives would be better if the free market was allowed to take over every part of our lives.

This goes back to Reagan becoming President , Thatcher sucking his metaphorically cock, its the Frankfurt school and its the think tanks on Tufton street

Its not because of Brexit, its because at the time those who enabled Brexit were from the right and the soft Left and especially the Liberal left should hand their heads in shame, they have allowed the lunatics to run the show

Well, no, but before we go into that, I think we should linger to enjoy the moment where five years after we voted to ‘control our borders’ we ended up with less control. You have to love how delicious that is.

The EU is a trade and regulatory bloc of 27 sovereign countries. These countries all have Govts of varying political hues. The EU itself does not have a political hue be it neo-liberal or otherwise.

The EU has no authority or competence over non-EU immigration. That is down to national Govts. French Police treatment of non-EU nationals, or indeed its own citizens , is pretty the domain of the French. Ditto for Spain, Germany et al.

European countries tend to have higher taxes, greater social security networks and greater employee protections than the UK. You stated Regan and Thatcher, but that which you dislike did largely stall at the English Channel. The French remained wedded to their month off in August and generous pensions. Macron has been trying to wean the French off some of their benefits, but it’s been slow progress.

The European model with its greater protections for its citizens and regulatory approach is then the model for the EU which is of course why we had so many opt outs and disliked the Social Charter.

In conclusion, to insist separation from a model of governance that provided better protections for its citizens in the hope that the one country that rejected a lot of these protections would, once on its own, suddenly embrace and indeed improve these protections, is, to put it politely, a bit of a stretch.
It appears from the advice cited in the article she doesn't even have the power to implement the policy, it would be ulltra vires.

And unless she starts hand selecting her own brownshirt units, there won't be anybody at border force or the coast guard willing to put their neck on the line by letting migrants drown.
In the original poll on this topic, there were, I think, 5 posters who voted to let migrants drown.
As Delia once famously said: "Where are yer? Let's be avin yer!".
Here's yer chance for a well paid job at the sharp end for doing absolutely nothing to help them.
In the original poll on this topic, there were, I think, 5 posters who voted to let migrants drown.
As Delia once famously said: "Where are yer? Let's be avin yer!".
Here's yer chance for a well paid job at the sharp end for doing absolutely nothing to help them.
It's a sad state this country has come to with regard to the plight of migrants crossing the channel, but legislation is now passing through parliament that will make it illegal, with up to 10 years in prison, to rescue those in peril on the sea.

I have sailed on a friends yacht on many occasions, admittedly around the waters of Wales and not in the Channel, but I don't believe I could ever find it acceptable to ignore drowning people if we happened upon them, wherever and whoever they are. I would do my utmost to rescue them.

This legislation goes against every grain of decency I possess. I couldn't do it, and if preserving life is against the law, then so be it.

Populism is the crime here, not simple human behaviour I would hope was extended if I found myself in trouble and needed help.

The tories are, after all, the party that willingly voted to let hungry children starve during the school holidays, so it shouldn't be a surprise they want us to sail past drowning people.

Evil isn't a strong enough term to describe them.
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It's a sad state this country has come to with regard to the plight of migrants crossing the channel, but legislation is now passing through parliament that will make it illegal, with up to 10 years in prison, to rescue those in peril on the sea.

I have sailed on a friends yacht on many occasions, admittedly around the waters of Wales and not in the Channel, but I don't believe I could ever find it acceptable to ignore drowning people if we happened upon them, wherever and whoever they are. I would do my utmost to rescue them.

This legislation goes against every grain of decency I possess. I couldn't do it, and if preserving life is against the law, then so be it.

Populism is the crime here, not simple human behaviour I would hope was extended if I found myself in trouble and needed help.

The tories are, after all, the party that willingly voted to let hungry children starve during the school holidays, so it shouldn't be a surprise they want us to sail past drowning people.

Evil isn't a strong enough term to describe them.

Its also against International law .

''A duty to rescue arises under international shipping law. A ship that is in a position to provide assistance to persons in distress at sea must do so. The requirement is found in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and represents customary international law''

Just Tories throwing red meat to their racist base again. No doubt when they fail to implement their nasty little act it will be blamed on 'Lefty lawyers' and the 'Radical' Left.

As Ive said on many previous occasions Asylum seekers are protected under two main UN Conventions

1) UN Refugee Convention of 1951

2) UN Convention of the Laws of the Sea 1986

As well as the 'duty of care'

If you really wanted to change the rules you should be knocking on the door of the UN ....But the tories aren't are they?

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