All the negatives will be blamed on Covid or the EU "being difficult".
Any minor positive will be exaggerated out of proportion even if it's only a continuation of what we already had.
We don't have to consider major positives as there won't be any.
Teflon tories strike again. Nothing will ever be their fault, it will be the beastly EU getting their revenge on us despite most of the leave voters who were hoodwinked by their lies believing WTO terms that are soon to be imposed would be good for us.
£350 Million a week for the NHS, cheaper food, control of our borders, sovereignty, and no more un elected Eurocrats passing their laws onto us despite not one leaver being able to name a single piece of legislation that has been forced on us like the Civil Servants in Whitehall have in an unelected fashion.
They know its a load of bollocks, and they are shit scared of the realities which is why the lies from them don't make any sense and we have the grace periods.
'We got brexit done' said the scruffy drunk at this years tory conference, and the applause echoed around the hall.
Absolute rubbish, typical tory lies from a bloke that has been sacked from more jobs than most people have had in their lifetimes, and import controls are soon to kick in.
They didn't put that on the side of their bus.