Prostate cancer

Had my biopsy yesterday - results in 10-14 days.

All went well although I’m a little sore and in a bit of a fug from the general anaesthetic, so I’ve got a day off work today.

Although not officially diagnosed yet, the consultant has sent me home with my first set of hormone tablets, so I guess the treatment starts now. He said it wasn’t vital to start them immediately but as I’d voiced concern about the delay between initial blood test and starting treatment, he was happy to start with them now.

Apart from diagnosis, there’s one more hoop to jump through: the bone scan I had a couple of weeks ago showed a small amount of uptake (of the radioactive tracer used in the scan) in the skull. Clearly not related to the prostate but the radiographer wants me to have a CT scan so they can check it’s nothing (which the consultant believes will be the case).
Good luck Rob, there’s some unpleasant side effects of hormone treatment which I’m sure you know about.

Just to encourage you, my Blue mate Paul, (who @A57 the snake knows about) was diagnosed with Prostate Disease in Feb 2015, the cancer had already spread to his Pelvis so the Doctors said there was no point removing the Prostate. They gave him hormone treatment and Radio, he’s still going strong and his situation is stable. He’s actually on his way to Thailand with his Mrs, his Brother and SIL to meet his Australian based sister to celebrate his Brothers 70th, Paul is 65 in May, there’s plenty of help out there now, all the best.
Good luck Rob, there’s some unpleasant side effects of hormone treatment which I’m sure you know about.

Just to encourage you, my Blue mate Paul, (who @A57 the snake knows about) was diagnosed with Prostate Disease in Feb 2015, the cancer had already spread to his Pelvis so the Doctors said there was no point removing the Prostate. They gave him hormone treatment and Radio, he’s still going strong and his situation is stable. He’s actually on his way to Thailand with his Mrs, his Brother and SIL to meet his Australian based sister to celebrate his Brothers 70th, Paul is 65 in May, there’s plenty of help out there now, all the best.
Thanks, mate. I read through this entire thread a couple of weeks ago and noted that you were one of the posters who posted stuff that encouraged me. Plenty of other people have posted useful and encouraging notes so thanks to everybody - let me tell you that it does help people in my situation.

Quite upbeat about the whole thing - I feel lucky rather than unlucky because if it is cancer, it’s been caught at a relatively early stage. Carrying on for a couple more years oblivious could have led to a very different outcome.

Whatever the side effects of hormone therapy, I’ll accept it if it’s helping kill the cancer and allowing me to live a relatively normal life.
Thanks, mate. I read through this entire thread a couple of weeks ago and noted that you were one of the posters who posted stuff that encouraged me. Plenty of other people have posted useful and encouraging notes so thanks to everybody - let me tell you that it does help people in my situation.

Quite upbeat about the whole thing - I feel lucky rather than unlucky because if it is cancer, it’s been caught at a relatively early stage. Carrying on for a couple more years oblivious could have led to a very different outcome.

Whatever the side effects of hormone therapy, I’ll accept it if it’s helping kill the cancer and allowing me to live a relatively normal life.
Very best of luck to you mate, Paul has been my best pal since we met at School in 1970, we e never lost touch, been on holidays together, golf trips, following City and I was best man at his Wedding, he wouldn’t do mine as it was too daunting for him at the time but he’s super confident doing public speaking now.

I’ve another Blue mate Dave who you’ve probably read about who helped Gary through his esrly stage, it’s really important to have someone who’s gone through this to help you. Dave is doing great now having had the Prostate removed.

Were doing our annual Prostate Charity date at Ashton Golf Club on the 3rd May, it’s organised by Dave and his mate Fozzy (another Blue), raised about 10k last 2 years, brilliant cause.

Really hope everything goes well for you, a very anxious time.
Had my biopsy yesterday - results in 10-14 days.

All went well although I’m a little sore and in a bit of a fug from the general anaesthetic, so I’ve got a day off work today.

Although not officially diagnosed yet, the consultant has sent me home with my first set of hormone tablets, so I guess the treatment starts now. He said it wasn’t vital to start them immediately but as I’d voiced concern about the delay between initial blood test and starting treatment, he was happy to start with them now.

Apart from diagnosis, there’s one more hoop to jump through: the bone scan I had a couple of weeks ago showed a small amount of uptake (of the radioactive tracer used in the scan) in the skull. Clearly not related to the prostate but the radiographer wants me to have a CT scan so they can check it’s nothing (which the consultant believes will be the case).
Good luck Rob with everything, it’s a journey mate , but keep positive and believe in yourself.
All the very best.
Just an update from me and some reassurance to anyone considering or requiring a flexible cystoscope inspection ie the camera down the “jap’s eye” past the prostate and into the bladder.
I‘ve been getting urine infections for some years. What used to be one, every year or two, has become six so far this year. Had various tests, “digital examinations” of the prostate, ultrasound scans and arranged to see a consultant Urologist. He did more scans and examinations, pronounced I had an enlarged prostate typical for a 68 year old, but the underlying cause of the infections was still a mystery. He said a camera inspection was required and booked me in for one in just under three weeks time. I was resigned to it, but not looking forward to it !
One of our “mooners“ contacted me privately to share his experience, which was really helpful. Here is mine.

You put a gown on over your clothes, drop your trousers and
undercrackers and hop on bed with a big TV screen at the side and lie back. A doctor, nurse and another guy who fetched the scope in the room. Doc squeezes the hole open and applies some gel and bingo the flexible tube is on its way down with pictures on the screen. Could see the infection in the urine and the walls of the bladder etc. I confess when the tube went in I was looking at the ceiling. The whole procedure took a little under 10 mins. Stings a little at first and feels a bit strange, but no more than that. Nothing to fear. Walked out and back to the car park.

Consultant called me in the evening to say I was still a “man of mystery” in that there was no obvious physical cause of the infections or need for any surgical interventions. He suggested two options; firstly, better hydration (he could tell from my bladder that I didn't drink enough water) failing that, a regime of low dosage anti-biotics for several months to nuke any lingering infections as a Plan B. Result.

Hopefully this will help reassure anyone facing this procedure - and good luck to anyone dealing with issues on this excellent thread.
I am 58 & have been having problems with an enlarged prostate for a few year & due to my father having undetected & ultimately fatal prostate cancer, I have been going to my GP for a PSA test every year since I turned 50. The results have been in the normal range, albeit increasing. Over the few years, my prostate has caused issues to the point I didn’t have control of my bladder anymore & I was referred to the urology team at Stepping Hill, who have been brilliant.
After a bit of a scare with an unexpected lump being found, it thankfully turned out to be benign & I was recommended for a procedure to my prostate.
I am now 8 weeks post REZUM ( steam ablation) to shrink the prostate & for the most part I am doing well. The overall time can be up to 6 months for the inflammatory reaction in the prostate to fully settle down.
The REZUM procedure is a day case job & was really straight forward. It also carries a much reduced risk of infection when compared to the other prostate surgery options.
Fingers crossed, things will continue to improve over the coming months.
A big shout out to A57, who took the time to message me support during my early diagnosis.
Just an update from me and some reassurance to anyone considering or requiring a flexible cystoscope inspection ie the camera down the “jap’s eye” past the prostate and into the bladder.
I‘ve been getting urine infections for some years. What used to be one, every year or two, has become six so far this year. Had various tests, “digital examinations” of the prostate, ultrasound scans and arranged to see a consultant Urologist. He did more scans and examinations, pronounced I had an enlarged prostate typical for a 68 year old, but the underlying cause of the infections was still a mystery. He said a camera inspection was required and booked me in for one in just under three weeks time. I was resigned to it, but not looking forward to it !
One of our “mooners“ contacted me privately to share his experience, which was really helpful. Here is mine.

You put a gown on over your clothes, drop your trousers and
undercrackers and hop on bed with a big TV screen at the side and lie back. A doctor, nurse and another guy who fetched the scope in the room. Doc squeezes the hole open and applies some gel and bingo the flexible tube is on its way down with pictures on the screen. Could see the infection in the urine and the walls of the bladder etc. I confess when the tube went in I was looking at the ceiling. The whole procedure took a little under 10 mins. Stings a little at first and feels a bit strange, but no more than that. Nothing to fear. Walked out and back to the car park.

Consultant called me in the evening to say I was still a “man of mystery” in that there was no obvious physical cause of the infections or need for any surgical interventions. He suggested two options; firstly, better hydration (he could tell from my bladder that I didn't drink enough water) failing that, a regime of low dosage anti-biotics for several months to nuke any lingering infections as a Plan B. Result.

Hopefully this will help reassure anyone facing this procedure - and good luck to anyone dealing with issues on this excellent thread.
I can confirm all of the above. After I had a kidney removed I had a flexible cystoscopy every 6 months for about 3 years and then annually. The thought is worse than the procedure itself. Getting it early is the key as I discovered purely by chance as I needed an annual medical for my job and the tumour was discovered despite no symptoms. Good luck to all on here with issues.
Went to my pre op on Thursday (At Hope) and received my procedure date of May7th for my TURPS. This is where they put a camera and a loop of wire up your Japs eye. When in position the wire is heated with an electric current and the prostate is shaved to reduce it's blocking capabilities. Could be in hospital upto 3 days or until all shavings are out. Anyone had it ?
Went to my pre op on Thursday (At Hope) and received my procedure date of May7th for my TURPS. This is where they put a camera and a loop of wire up your Japs eye. When in position the wire is heated with an electric current and the prostate is shaved to reduce it's blocking capabilities. Could be in hospital upto 3 days or until all shavings are out. Anyone had it ?
A workmate of mine had that procedure just before I retired. Off work for a few weeks afterwards for recovery, right as rain when he came back. He didn’t bang on about his op but just said it wasn’t too bad. It fixed his problem and in fact he’s just retired himself.
Good luck with it all pal.
Thank you everyone for the support it’s been an emotional day , blimey you’ve supported me throughout everything, I’ll never forget it ,
Not out the woods but the first day on the next journey, we’ll do this and we’ll do it together.
The brothers and sisters of Manchester City football club thank you so much.

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