Proud! But some of you should be ashamed

You know, I am as knee-jerk as anyone but I am ashamed at some of the pathetic stuff some City supporters have been coming out with after this.

We have been beaten in the last minute of 180 by a team that has won the league three times on the spin and about ten times out of the last fourteen.

It might just be me here but I saw a City team slug it out, toe to toe, on their own midden, despite the fact that we had virtually our entire first choice defence missing and had no lead striker.

People are so desperate for success at our place that they want it here and now, as soon as we have a sniff of it, and if they don't get it, it's beyond their comprehension that it may just be because we haven't quite got that team to do it yet.

United are a better team than we are right now but we are getting there.

This hurts me as much as anyone. It hurts me as much as anything I have seen in 31 years of supporting the club but let's try and put things in perspective.

We are so nearly there you know but we need the fans to be with the team on this. Abuse because they could not quite get the better of a better side is not going to help anyone.

We are two games from Wembley in the FA Cup and we are second favourites. Let's get behind the boys and hope that Wembley comes in a bigger competition than we were playing in tonight.

Tonight really, really hurts and I don't want to deflect from that but if we carry on the way we are going, it's only a matter of time and, despite years of being a proper City pessimist, I really believe that.
Benn lurking on here for a few months but had to register and give my thoughts.

Just got back from the game, and I must admit it was one of the best nights of my life.

I've been going to City for nearly 15 years ever since we played Ipswich, Maine Road, 1995. And it pissed it down lol.

Tonight I went with 4 United mates and an Arsenal fan and sat in their glorified Stretford End, and although I watched those fuckers score 3, I enjoyed the best match I have ever seen. Tonight we showed we have arrived, tonight we showed we can compete and tonight we showed we are no longer the pushovers we have come to be known as.

From Micah to Sweep to Carlito they all played out of their skin, but credit where credit is due United were on form in Centre Mid and with that ginger fuck Rooney. They controlled everything going through there and we just had no reply.

First Semi, first derby and the first time I have watched us compete like we could actually win something.

Knocking back Sambuca, bantering with the scum and cheering and doing the 'Tevez wiggle' on the Stretford End, waht a night. Everybody played their part tonight, and I can speak from first hand the United fans I was sat with were disgusted by the way Bellers was treated in the corner.

Tonight boys you did me proud. You proved we are here to stay and this is just the beginning. Boyata is going to be a star mark my words. Off for a 14in pepperoni and some Onion Rings, we live to fight another day my friends.

DD said:
You know, I am as knee-jerk as anyone but I am ashamed at some of the pathetic stuff some City supporters have been coming out with after this.

We have been beaten in the last minute of 180 by a team that has won the league three times on the spin and about ten times out of the last fourteen.

It might just be me here but I saw a City team slug it out, toe to toe, on their own midden, despite the fact that we had virtually our entire first choice defence missing and had no lead striker.

People are so desperate for success at our place that they want it here and now, as soon as we have a sniff of it, and if they don't get it, it's beyond their comprehension that it may just be because we haven't quite got that team to do it yet.

United are a better team than we are right now but we are getting there.

This hurts me as much as anyone. It hurts me as much as anything I have seen in 31 years of supporting the club but let's try and put things in perspective.

We are so nearly there you know but we need the fans to be with the team on this. Abuse because they could not quite get the better of a better side is not going to help anyone.

We are two games from Wembley in the FA Cup and we are second favourites. Let's get behind the boys and hope that Wembley comes in a bigger competition than we were playing in tonight.

Tonight really, really hurts and I don't want to deflect from that but if we carry on the way we are going, it's only a matter of time and, despite years of being a proper City pessimist, I really believe that.
you bastard,just got me crying again
We lost to a better, proven team.
We got caught up with the whole "We're Rich, United in debt, 34 years, Semi final derby, won 1st leg, it's our time" etc.

It wasn't to be. (sadly of course) I despise Chuckle, Fletcher and although he did nothing wrong, Webb is biased etc. but come on lads, grace in defeat.

We weren't cheated.

I can honesty say that it's better to be beaten fairly by United then if we were to pull a "City" against a "Bolton" that would of crippled me.

We have Top 4 and the FA cup to look forward to.

Chin up lads, smile, they hate it.
Proud of City tonight, the fans the players, yes we lost but we had them rocking and don't forget that was just about their strongest team and we still have an injury list as long as your arm. We are getting there and tonight will make us stronger and as we rise they fall
Proud of City tonight, the fans the players, yes we lost but we had them rocking and don't forget that was just about their strongest team and we still have an injury list as long as your arm. We are getting there and tonight will make us stronger and as we rise they fall
DD said:
You know, I am as knee-jerk as anyone but I am ashamed at some of the pathetic stuff some City supporters have been coming out with after this.

We have been beaten in the last minute of 180 by a team that has won the league three times on the spin and about ten times out of the last fourteen.

It might just be me here but I saw a City team slug it out, toe to toe, on their own midden, despite the fact that we had virtually our entire first choice defence missing and had no lead striker.

People are so desperate for success at our place that they want it here and now, as soon as we have a sniff of it, and if they don't get it, it's beyond their comprehension that it may just be because we haven't quite got that team to do it yet.

United are a better team than we are right now but we are getting there.

This hurts me as much as anyone. It hurts me as much as anything I have seen in 31 years of supporting the club but let's try and put things in perspective.

We are so nearly there you know but we need the fans to be with the team on this. Abuse because they could not quite get the better of a better side is not going to help anyone.

We are two games from Wembley in the FA Cup and we are second favourites. Let's get behind the boys and hope that Wembley comes in a bigger competition than we were playing in tonight.

Tonight really, really hurts and I don't want to deflect from that but if we carry on the way we are going, it's only a matter of time and, despite years of being a proper City pessimist, I really believe that.

*Stands and applauds*

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