PSG ticket prices - Protest options v West Brom.

It needs to be something visual and specific. Banners, songs ('You can stick your £60 up your arse', 'Soriano - is a wanker, is a wanker' or something similar) or even a minute's booing at 60 minutes. Something that the Sheikh can see and hear for himself.

Do nothing for a minute, or five minutes if that would be possible. Roll the flags up, cover up the shirst, take off the scarves and hats and sit on your hands in silence for five minutes like you were in detention. No matter what happens on th pitch.
Then, at the end of the (5) minute(s) - create as much noise as you can. Banners back, scarves held high, voices raised - dare I suggest it - the Poznan?

Contrast a future with supporters and one with an audience.

Supporters need to leverage what they have and what they contribute to the club without being too negative. It's our club, it's our game. Think of the value that the Poznan brought to City in terms of exposure! The club got that for free from the fans. Without loyal support, without fans turning up week in week out City and the Premier League lose value to both sponsors and television. It would aslo be transferable to other clubs/away supporters.
I didn't see the sign, plus I'm a stupid American we don't pay attention to pounds and euros
Right. Well Manchester City play in England (it's near Europe) and fans pay in the pound sterling so home game prices are generally reported in that currency rather than the Yen or Kenyan Shilling.

Hope that helps.



How can you continually use the word sanctimony with no irony whatsoever?

You're the enlightened realist who's above it all clearly.

Or as I'd put it, the old nodding dog with no fight left in him.

How can you on the one hand recognise what we're up against, and on the other denigrate and ridicule anyone who suggests taking action to address it?

Look at the impact that one walk out from the dippers had, it brought the debate about ticket prices to a national audience, and helped pile the pressure on the Premier League to introduce the away cap for supporters next season. It made a tangible difference.

I'd never advocate the rag approach, starting up alternative clubs or any of that shite, so save me the strawman argument. That's not me, or any other blue expressing criticism and frustration in this thread.

There's only one City as far as I'm concerned, and we should do our best to make sure it remains recognisably City, if we at all have the power to do so - which I believe we do.

A protest would be pivotal in any potential change, and for someone who implies they're unhappy with the current state of play, you could always take part and try and enact change rather than sitting on the sidelines sniggering believing you're above it. Just an idea like.

I don't believe I'm above it I'm just a realist is all.

The dippers are a special case. The whole city has a feeling of self entitlement and victimhood which ensures that those in power take pity on the supposedly downtrodden.

We agree about the City we want but I'm telling you man it's gone and charging £10 less for 1 game won't change a thing. So much about City is now geared towards sanitizing and gentrifying the "match day experience" (whatever the fuck that means) and a protest by a dwindling section of "real" supporters won't carry much sway with Khaldoon and his gang. For me they just wanna pay lip service to the concept of keeping the club in touch with the core fanbase while scheming in private to charge £10 for pie n chips etc.

Anyway we must agree to disagree. Good luck to any protest that happens, I'd love nothing more than a return to the old days.

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