Qatar Stats - This is Truly Pathetic. What a Joke.

rassclot said:
Q8-Blue said:
Again i did say that the human rights of laborers is an issue that will and has to be resolved it ends there. Israel has every right to qualify and attend the world cup in safety heck if they do qualify i will celebrate, why? Cause it brings people together, jews and arabs have until 1948 lived together for hundreds of years and we can do it again. Plus if you think that arab leaders have no contact with israeli leaders then you are very naive read wikileaks and you'll know the UAE's foreign minister is a good friend of tzipi livni Israel foreign minister, also qatar has close relations with Israel openning a trade office recently. We are neighbors and our leaders communicate regularly in private, it will take a world cup to make it acceptable for them to communicate openly and in public to solve our differences.

this all sounds very chummy but if i turn up at doha airport tomorrow with an israeli stamp in my passport i'll be told in no uncertain terms to fuck off, held in detention at the airport, put on the next flight out & entered on immigration control's computer so that i would be unlikely ever to be able to visit the country at any future date.

Then don't go.

I don't think Qatar is begging anyone to come. There will be hundreds of thousands who come and buy tickets.

If Israelis don't feel comfortable going, there will be plenty of people waiting to buy those tickets. Their loss, and no one else will care.
NewbBlue said:
rassclot said:
this all sounds very chummy but if i turn up at doha airport tomorrow with an israeli stamp in my passport i'll be told in no uncertain terms to fuck off, held in detention at the airport, put on the next flight out & entered on immigration control's computer so that i would be unlikely ever to be able to visit the country at any future date.

Then don't go.

I don't think Qatar is begging anyone to come. There will be hundreds of thousands who come and buy tickets.

If Israelis don't feel comfortable going, there will be plenty of people waiting to buy those tickets. Their loss, and no one else will care.

Just to clarify. Im a very liberal open minded fella who fully supports the Palestinian cause.


If someone feels uncomfortable attending the world cup in a country because of their ethnicity it really isn't just their loss. Its disgusting and goes completely against what the world cup is about.
These guys well those across the water built the tallest building in the world and a whole city in 6 years, i'm sure they can manage a couple of world class stadiums in a decade and a bit.
mike o said:
NewbBlue said:
Then don't go.

I don't think Qatar is begging anyone to come. There will be hundreds of thousands who come and buy tickets.

If Israelis don't feel comfortable going, there will be plenty of people waiting to buy those tickets. Their loss, and no one else will care.

Just to clarify. Im a very liberal open minded fella who fully supports the Palestinian cause.


If someone feels uncomfortable attending the world cup in a country because of their ethnicity it really isn't just their loss. Its disgusting and goes completely against what the world cup is about.

Bang on the money
mike o said:
NewbBlue said:
Then don't go.

I don't think Qatar is begging anyone to come. There will be hundreds of thousands who come and buy tickets.

If Israelis don't feel comfortable going, there will be plenty of people waiting to buy those tickets. Their loss, and no one else will care.

Just to clarify. Im a very liberal open minded fella who fully supports the Palestinian cause.


If someone feels uncomfortable attending the world cup in a country because of their ethnicity it really isn't just their loss. Its disgusting and goes completely against what the world cup is about.

Qatar is going out of its way to relax their laws to make all foreigners feel welcome. They're building billions in stadiums, water taxis, and hotels to make everyone's stay remarkable.

What exactly do you want them to do? I'm sorry, that goes with the territory of going to a foreign country. They've already made clear that all nationalities are welcome. I'd advise them to toughen up or stay at home and wear their Depends.

This is why it won:


Go there and see this marvel, or don't. Qatar doesn't care about bed-wetters and neither does FIFA.
NewbBlue said:
mike o said:
Just to clarify. Im a very liberal open minded fella who fully supports the Palestinian cause.


If someone feels uncomfortable attending the world cup in a country because of their ethnicity it really isn't just their loss. Its disgusting and goes completely against what the world cup is about.

Qatar is going out of its way to relax their laws to make all foreigners feel welcome. They're building billions in stadiums, water taxis, and hotels to make everyone's stay remarkable.

What exactly do you want them to do? I'm sorry, that goes with the territory of going to a foreign country. They've already made clear that all nationalities are welcome. I'd advise them to toughen up or stay at home and wear their Depends.

This is why it won:


Q1/ I'm a Jewish football fan and tourist. (I'm not really). Am I welcome in Qatar tomorrow?

Q2/ As above but I'm Israeli (I'm not really but you get the idea ;-)

Q3/ As above but now the WC is on?

Is the answer yes to all 3 questions?
Balti said:
Q1/ I'm a Jewish football fan and tourist. (I'm not really). Am I welcome in Qatar tomorrow?

Q2/ As above but I'm Israeli (I'm not really but you get the idea ;-)

Q3/ As above but now the WC is on?

Is the answer yes to all 3 questions?

1) Yes. Jews aren't prohibited from going to Qatar.

2) No.

When World Cup comes, political differences between countries are supposed to melt away. That's supposed to be the power of football: to unite people in the world. Just because your government and the Qatari government have a political conflict, that obviously does not have bearing on who should host the World Cup. And Qatar has conformed to FIFA standards and will welcome everyone during the WC.

3) Yes.
NewbBlue said:
Balti said:
Q1/ I'm a Jewish football fan and tourist. (I'm not really). Am I welcome in Qatar tomorrow?

Q2/ As above but I'm Israeli (I'm not really but you get the idea ;-)

Q3/ As above but now the WC is on?

Is the answer yes to all 3 questions?

1) Yes. Jews aren't prohibited from going to Qatar.

2) No, but that doesn't matter. When World Cup comes, political differences between countries are supposed to melt away. That's supposed to be the power of football: to unite people in the world. Just because your government and the Qatari government have a political conflict, that obviously does not have bearing on who should host the World Cup. And Qatar has conformed to FIFA standards and will welcome everyone.

3) Yes.

What about Mossad agents? will they be allowed in?
mcfcmatt said:
NewbBlue said:
1) Yes. Jews aren't prohibited from going to Qatar.

2) No, but that doesn't matter. When World Cup comes, political differences between countries are supposed to melt away. That's supposed to be the power of football: to unite people in the world. Just because your government and the Qatari government have a political conflict, that obviously does not have bearing on who should host the World Cup. And Qatar has conformed to FIFA standards and will welcome everyone.

3) Yes.

What about Mossad agents? will they be allowed in?

Yes but they have to be escorted by a friend from Hamas
NewbBlue said:
mike o said:
Just to clarify. Im a very liberal open minded fella who fully supports the Palestinian cause.


If someone feels uncomfortable attending the world cup in a country because of their ethnicity it really isn't just their loss. Its disgusting and goes completely against what the world cup is about.

Qatar is going out of its way to relax their laws to make all foreigners feel welcome. They're building billions in stadiums, water taxis, and hotels to make everyone's stay remarkable.

What exactly do you want them to do? I'm sorry, that goes with the territory of going to a foreign country. They've already made clear that all nationalities are welcome. I'd advise them to toughen up or stay at home and wear their Depends.

This is why it won:


Read my previous posts.

I understand why it won and understand why Russia won. I'm not criticising Qatar or their bid. In fact given the economic climate there probably the only two countries who'll have enough money to put a world cup on in 2018/2022

I'm criticising the previous point that its tough luck for someone who feels scared to enter a country and that they need to man up.

We aren't talking about someone avoiding Italy because of Ultras or avoiding Russia through fear of how iffy its reputation is. We're talking about someone being scared to set foot in a host country due to their ethnicity and due to a fear for their life. And that my friend is fucked up.

If Qatar really can pull it off then fantastic but theres as much diplomatic off the pitch work to be done as their is stadium and infrastructure work

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