Qatar Stats - This is Truly Pathetic. What a Joke.

the only place in the middle east to put on a great world cup would be abu dhabi
Bazzmand Show said:
I'm sorry but anyone who thinks that Qatar can put on a more enjoyable world cup than us (Australia) or the USA is having a fucking laugh. Your telling me you wouldnt rather be getting pissed up in New York, Sydney, Los Angeles and Brisbane having a great time. Rather than going to a completely concrete style jungle that is Qatar, with 45 fucking degree heat everyday and sand everywhere?:

Dont anyone tell me that 40 degree heat is enjoyable, its been 38 every day this week down here in Adelaide Australia and I cant fucking stand it. Imagine playing in that? THe whole thing is fucking ridiculous. The world cup can fuck off as far as Im concerned, in fact international football can fuck off. Its just a fucking distraction from City and allows fuckwits like Blatter and Twatini to have their stupid ego trips. BTW its an absolute disgrace that England did not get 2018.

Most of Australia is desert! As for Adelaide...I would rather watch a game in any Russian city. Although Australia is a great place, I despise Adelaide with a passion.

Admittedly, I would rather Australia won the 2022 bid and anyone but Russia get the nod for 2018. Football fans would have had a great time in Australia.

Who knows, England may get the 2014 WC if the Brazilian authorities don't pull their fingers out
I suppose if you look at the transformation of some areas/cities in the middle east within the last decade, factor in the vast oil wealth of Quatar and project what that could fund over the next decade, then this could be deliverable.

the lack of any consideration on sustainability and impact upon the global eco-system of creating this beast, air conditioning it for a month then dismantling it, shipping it elsewhere and re-assembling it is just sheer lunacy.....
NewbBlue said:
Then don't go.

They're building billions in stadiums, water taxis, and hotels to make everyone's stay remarkable.

This is why it won:


Go there and see this marvel, or don't. Qatar doesn't care about bed-wetters and neither does FIFA.

^^^ this .. now live with it !
Gaudino said:
NewbBlue said:
I don't see what's wrong with Qatar. They've put forth an attractive bid with an exotic feel. The fans will have modern accommodations and beautiful venues.

Unless those fans are Jewish as they don't allow any in....

And the temp will be average of 115-120 degrees when it's to be played. Should be some great football played in that heat....

Lovely place, perfect.

they will have air conditioned purpose built stadiums, which after the event will be taken down (some of them) and sent to africa. also a review on the no drinking alcohol in public will be reviewed before the event...
Wheelsy said:
colin's bell helmet said:
so it wouldn't surprise me if they are building air conditioned stadiums.
Well that's the match sorted, what about the other 22 hours in the day? Air conditioned footpaths? Some women may be up-burqaed though...
oh shit you better tell fifa to stop the 2014 world cup then coz guess what.......brazil's fuckin hot!!<br /><br />-- Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:30 pm --<br /><br />
ManCityFC said:
colin's bell helmet said:
not sure what your point is with regards the size of the many football grounds are there in north west england?.......are you suggesting they won't have enough room for the stadiums to be built or summat? also isn't qatar an extremely wealthy country? it wouldn't surprise me if they are building air conditioned stadiums. why are you so against it? where did you want the world cup in 2022 considering it couldn't have been england and 2 of the other bidders were australia and america which both have places with extremely high temperatures. i find it strange that anyone gives a shit where it's held to be honest who cares.

Dick. They have a population of a million and a half. What are they going to do with 6 - 12 world class football stadiums after the world cup? They could hold a 11 a side tournement every day and the whole country would have played there in a few years, and what would the North West do with 6 - 12 world class stadiums in a hugely football mad country? Give a few of them to Stockport County and Curzon Ashton?

Also, how is encouraging a country with that kind of population, helping football? What kind of tempo is the football going to be played in a 45oC?

And for the record, I now don't give a shit where they hold it, after Brazil, International football will continue its already rapid demise.

Think before you try to be a TalkSport style devils advocate.

-- December 3rd, 2010, 10:00 am --

Pobb said:
Why is it a disgrace that England didn't get the 2018 World Cup? I'd love to have seen it hosted there as much as anyone but its not really a disgrace is it? Russia have as much right as we do to host it. They won, we didn't. Boohoo.

When you come from England, then comment on English matters.
i reckon you're the dick fella with a fuckin attitude problem, if you read my post properly you wouldn't be making ridiculous statements like "What kind of tempo is the football going to be played in a 45oC?".....they're AIR CONDITIONED stadiums. what they do with 6-12 stadiums is irrelevant to you really isn't clearly don't know what they are going to do with them do you?
what the fuck does this bit mean in regards to my post 'and what would the North West do with 6 - 12 world class stadiums in a hugely football mad country? Give a few of them to Stockport County and Curzon Ashton? ' could you elaborate as your ramblings are those you would normally see written on the wall of a mental hospital in shit.
All this techno bout stadiums and air conditioning must have impressed fat blatter, is it too much now to ask for goal line technology, i wonder when his back hand contract on this issue terminates
dickie davies said:
colin's bell helmet said:
not sure what your point is with regards the size of the many football grounds are there in north west england?.......are you suggesting they won't have enough room for the stadiums to be built or summat? also isn't qatar an extremely wealthy country? it wouldn't surprise me if they are building air conditioned stadiums. why are you so against it? where did you want the world cup in 2022 considering it couldn't have been england and 2 of the other bidders were australia and america which both have places with extremely high temperatures. i find it strange that anyone gives a shit where it's held to be honest who cares.

There are, if you read further into the thread than the first post, loads of reasons apart from the size of the country why Qatar should not have been awarded the 2022 World Cup
i was referring mainly to the original post who seemed to be saying they shouldn't have won the bid due to size and population. top and bottom of it is they have won it so fuckin get over it.
colin's bell helmet said:
Wheelsy said:
Well that's the match sorted, what about the other 22 hours in the day? Air conditioned footpaths? Some women may be up-burqaed though...
oh shit you better tell fifa to stop the 2014 world cup then coz guess what.......brazil's fuckin hot!!
Yes, Brazil is fucking hot. Lucky for them that the World Cup is being held in winter then!
It's quite fitting that every person on this board who reckons that Qatar is a good idea is a fucking know-nowt.

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