Queen Elizabeth II

I just replied to a message on here, I didn't start the conversation off. It's just so stupid watching something you don't like and then claim that it's oppressing you.
I think you can watch it, admire the Queen, recognise a life of service but realise she's not the only one and that others do it without the privilege, and realise that some of that privilege and wealth (hers and the UK's) is ill-gotten, and that for nations whose resources (material and human) were exploited you can't expect them to join in universal approbation.
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I struggle with the levels of grief that are being shown, and the scale of coverage: I simply do not understand grief for someone most have never met, nor do I know why so many state, categorically, that she did an amazing job - I don't see it. I respect that her family members will feel deep sorrow, but that is it.
My cousin who has never been in the Armed Forces wears his dads medals (who died in Iraq) at the Cenotaph every year.

is that really quite pathetic?
It might be if it makes it appear to be his medals.

"War medals and service decorations of any sort may be worn only by the person upon whom they were conferred, and in no case does the right to wear war or service medals, or their ribbons, pass to any relative when the recipient is dead. Modifications of the above rule are permitted in connection with Remembrance Day, when relatives who desire to avail themselves, on those days only, of the distinction of wearing the decoration and medals of deceased relatives, they may do so, wearing them ON THE RIGHT BREAST." https://www.britisharmedforces.org/other/other_faq.htm#faq3
With the obvious exception of some direct family members, what I have seen is a million miles away from genuine grief.
I've not "seen" much grief from direct family members. But then it's possible to get through the days till the funeral without it hitting you. And few bereaved people have millions watching for a tear. Given the mental health issues of bereavement that William and Harry have been open about, I'm really not sure that any of this is good for them. The idea that we're doing this just to show how good we are at ceremonial stuff is quite odd.

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