Question Time

We have always needed passports to travel abroad since the 18th century. The military used ID in lieu of a passport but you still had to prove who you were, if you were from the UK you couldn't get out of the country or back in it without one.
Easy to get in . Just hop on a boat
We have always needed passports to travel abroad since the 18th century. The military used ID in lieu of a passport but you still had to prove who you were, if you were from the UK you couldn't get out of the country or back in it without one.

The passport as we know it was introduced in the 1920s.

I was in the military and travelled abroad extensively, mainly on NATO travel orders. Had a passport, but never needed it for foreign travel whilst serving

If you travelled on unofficial business you would have had to use some form of ID be it an ID card or of course a passport, are you fucking Jason Bourne?


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