You seem to have some trouble understanding the word "lie".
For example, "George Osborne predicted tax rises and spending cuts would be implemented. To date, no changes to the planned tax rates or public spending have been implemented. So, another lie".
This waa a prediction. There's no evidence it was a lie.
Contrast, "The money saved from leaving the EU will result in the NHS getting £350m a week". This was not a prediction. It was a lie.
"Turkey's 76m people are joining the EU - Good News?" Another lie.
"We can't stop Turkey joining". Lie
"We can't control our borders in the EU" Lie.
"The EU's accounts are never even signed off". Lie.
"60 to 70 percent of our laws come from the EU" Lie.
even, "We thought we were only joining a free trade zone". This maybe just a misconception to be fair, since the truth is widely forgotten. But the 1975 referendum explored fully the future direction of the EU and that ultimately it might result in closer political union. And we voted to remain on that basis.