Questions From a United Forum

East15East said:
First of all, I would like to ask your forum a few questions.

The first 2 questions would be :

Which day was best for you? The treble in 1999 or Wigan beating City at the Wembley FA Cup Final 2013

Which day was the worst day? Getting beat 1 6 at home by us, or Aguero's winner at the death in May 2012

My honest reply, is I cannot see any good coming to City fans, from an open honest response to your questions

I like the banter, but would avoid feeding your forum any laughing fodder at a time when you are lining yourselves up to be laughed at, quite nicely without any help from me.
I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
I would like to know why they've set up a new forum and why they're abandoning ragcafe however?
i8rags said:
Predictable I know but in answer to all the questions, please fuck off and mind your own business.
You are the arch enemy and I don't wish to answer any question you have about football coz in my opinion you know fuck all about football, simply by the fact you follow that shite.

Grow up. Supporting City wouldn't be the same without two derbies a season to look forwards to. He's had the bollocks to come on here and many of us have been happy to answer his questions.
Question 1

Let’s get it out of the way, what are your thoughts on Manchester United and in particular Moyes this season who hasn't performed to the best of his abilities?
Rags. Think he's been brilliant! Football Genius infact!!!

Question 2

Do you think that you are in with a good shout of winning the league?
If we win all of our remaining games and the way the premier league is that's a big ask!

Question 3

Who has been your best player over the last season or so? Has there been any remarkable improvements from those who lacked certain qualities?
Fernandinho hands down.

Question 4

Who is your most hated Manchester United player and why?
Darren Fletcher. I don't know why I just can't stand him.

Question 5

What are your thoughts about Manuel Pellegrini, is he the sort of manager who could take you to Champions league success?
Think he's a great Man Manager and he's attacking and beautiful football mindset has completely won me over.

Question 6

What does Manchester United versus Manchester City mean to you as a fan?
One of the most important matches in my whole life. Even when we were shit

Question 7

We have played against each other many times over the years. Which is your favourite game against us, and why?
6-1. Edin Dzeko having to ask what score it was just made my life really.

Question 8

Do you ever miss the atmosphere at Maine Road compared to the Etihad stadium?
Yes but no because the atmosphere can be better at the Etihad.

Question 9

What are your predictions for the game this Sunday?
5-0 City and that's an honest scoreline.

I would like to thank you all for taking the time to responding to all questions and most important of all, your honesty.
Question 1

Let’s get it out of the way, what are your thoughts on Manchester U****d and in particular Moyes this season who hasn't performed to the best of his abilities?

What position does Moyes play again?

Question 2

Do you think that you are in with a good shout of winning the league?

Yes, we're in a good position, look at the league table.

Question 3

Who has been your best player over the last season or so? Has there been any remarkable improvements from those who lacked certain qualities?

Garcia, Aleks K and Nasri have drastically improved. Best player so far, Zabaleta.

Question 4

Who is your most hated Manchester U****d player and why?

Pugface in number 10. Like David Cameron who is also in number 10. The other players, less Ferdinand, carry now real emotions for me.

Question 5

What are your thoughts about Manuel Pellegrini, is he the sort of manager who could take you to Champions league success?

Yes, but not this season.

Question 6

What does Manchester U****d versus Manchester City mean to you as a fan?

It used to be a cup final, now it is a chance to show we can compete more than equally.

Question 7

We have played against each other many times over the years. Which is your favourite game against us, and why?

The 4-1 win at our place this season. Total football.

Question 8

Do you ever miss the atmosphere at Maine Road compared to the Etihad stadium?

Yes, but like an ex-girlfriend, it is just a set of memories, happy or sad.
Question 1

Let’s get it out of the way, what are your thoughts on Manchester United and in particular Moyes this season who hasn't performed to the best of his abilities?

The club and Ferguson failed to provide any successor with a squad of players capable of continuing his success and didn't replace key players in defence and midfield. Also Moyes was appointed on 1st July, way too late leaving him with a more difficult transition than City and Chelsea. Don't blame Moyes just yet.

Question 2

Do you think that you are in with a good shout of winning the league?

Yes, as are Chelsea and Liverpool. I won't say anything about Arsenal as we play them on Saturday.

Question 3

Who has been your best player over the last season or so? Has there been any remarkable improvements from those who lacked certain qualities?

David Silva. As well as being the most skilful player in the league he has to contend with hatchet men and doesn't get the protection from referees that he does in International or European competition. Fernandinho has been our best buy and led the transition to Pellegrinis style of play.

Question 4

Who is your most hated Manchester United player and why?

Someone has already said it, Martin Buchan and Roy Keane. Today it's Ferdinand and Rooney because it's more obvious that they are trying to influence the referee's decisions now that the whole team don't surround him.

Question 5

What are your thoughts about Manuel Pellegrini, is he the sort of manager who could take you to Champions league success?

So far so good. I prefer his style to Mancini. We won't have CL success for at least 4 more seasons until we reach pot 1 where we can get a more favourable draw.

Question 6

What does Manchester United versus Manchester City mean to you as a fan?

It's always a chance to get one over on your rivals, this season it's just another must win game to put the pressure on the other title challengers. Don't knock me for this, your fans probably thought the same from 1993 to 2011.

Question 7

We have played against each other many times over the years. Which is your favourite game against us, and why?

FA cup semi final 2011. Scholes's sending off marked the turning point of the power struggle between the two clubs. City have been in the ascendancy and United in decline ever since. United winning the league last term doesn't tell the whole story.

Question 8

Do you ever miss the atmosphere at Maine Road compared to the Etihad stadium?

It's a loaded question, I preferred it when you had the option to stand. Football has been sanitised over the years and you will never get back the singing camaraderie of the sixties and seventies. Atmosphere yes, as a ground, no, when you look at The Etihad Stadium and what City are building in the surrounding area for the Club and local community's future..

Question 9

What are your predictions for the game this Sunday?
Fulham 0-2 Everton. Liverpool 3-2 Tottenham. Glad you didn't ask about the derby though, so hard to predict.

I would like to thank you all for taking the time to responding to all questions and most important of all, your honesty.[/quote]
peoffrey said:
i8rags said:
Predictable I know but in answer to all the questions, please fuck off and mind your own business.
You are the arch enemy and I don't wish to answer any question you have about football coz in my opinion you know fuck all about football, simply by the fact you follow that shite.

Grow up. Supporting City wouldn't be the same without two derbies a season to look forwards to. He's had the bollocks to come on here and many of us have been happy to answer his questions.
Oh ok, but fact is I hate them, I don't buy anything red, don't have rags as mates and certainly don't answer shite questions from them. If that's ok.
Question 1

Let’s get it out of the way, what are your thoughts on Manchester United and in particular Moyes this season who hasn't performed to the best of his abilities?

The eternal enemy. Forever to be associated in my mind with being in a pub somewhere and having 5-10 rags in there and always having to contemplate the "fight or flight" decision.

Moyes? I actually thought he would step his game up and do well when you appointed him. (Seemed to punch above wight at Everton, etc). I now think I was wrong to feel that way.

Question 2

Do you think that you are in with a good shout of winning the league?

Depends. 7 points from United-Arse-Liverpool aways and yes. Anything less and probably not.

Question 3

Who has been your best player over the last season or so? Has there been any remarkable improvements from those who lacked certain qualities?

Best over the last season+ has been Kompany. Our worst results the past two seasons have almost uniformly been without him in the XI. As to improvement, Kolarov has been remarkable. There was a thread here a year ago "Do you rate Kolarov?" And I don't believe there was a single affirmative (and nonironic) answer to that.

Question 4

Who is your most hated Manchester United player and why?

Wio as far as the whole package of being an unpleasant individual goes. Rooney as far as daggering us. Jizzudive is a real comer - based on the paroxysms he sends the pro-United media into, the fact that he is a cheating little twat, and the fact that just looking at his face makes me want to smash his teeth out.

Question 5

What are your thoughts about Manuel Pellegrini, is he the sort of manager who could take you to Champions league success?

People can kvetch about tactics and selections ad infinitum. The way I look at it is that we live in a world where every club has a limit on its resources. And his man management skills have basically added millions upon millions in value to players already on our books and who had been effectively written off (i.e. Kolarov, Nasri.) This is unappreciated in general, I think. Contrast this with Mourinho, who ran the second-best player on that club onto the bench and then off to your lot.

As to the Champions League? I'd like him as good as anyone else if he can turn guys like 12-13 Kolarov into 13-14 Kolarov.

Question 6

What does Manchester United versus Manchester City mean to you as a fan?

In the old days I'd be massively up for it. There was effectively no downside. If you lost you pretty much expected to. If you won it was the greatest thing in the world. Now, I am a damnable wreck. We should win this. And if we don't the pain will be magnified a hundredfold.

Question 7

We have played against each other many times over the years. Which is your favourite game against us, and why?

The Cup semi in 2011. It seemed like that was the moment when the tide really turned. Plus the feeling of watching the rag support empty out en masse after the sending off is something I will rmember for the rest of my life.

Question 8

Do you ever miss the atmosphere at Maine Road compared to the Etihad stadium?

My memories of Maine Road did not feature wonderful atmosphere, generally. (My first match there, City was "managed" by Alan Ball.)

Question 9

What are your predictions for the game this Sunday?

I don't predict match results because that's meaningless. But I do predict that I will be nervous as all hell until (hopefully) we are at full time with the forces of good on the correct side of the scoreline.
Question 1

Let’s get it out of the way, what are your thoughts on Manchester United and in particular Moyes this season who hasn't performed to the best of his abilities?

Love him. No, i thought at the time he was a poor appointment. I thought martinez would have suited utds style far better. I believe you would be in the top 4 under him

Question 2

Do you think that you are in with a good shout of winning the league?

Its in our won hands. I believe if things had been a bit kinder with injuries we'd be further ahead. We must win every game as i cant see chelsea or liverpool slipping

Question 3

Who has been your best player over the last season or so? Has there been any remarkable improvements from those who lacked certain qualities?

Our best this season for me has been yaya or kompany. man mountains

Question 4

Who is your most hated Manchester United player and why?

Ashley Young is not only my most hated utd player of all time, never mind just now. cheating, whinging twat. I even hate the way he runs, it just winds me up!

Question 5

What are your thoughts about Manuel Pellegrini, is he the sort of manager who could take you to Champions league success?

I really like him, i think he has done a fantastic job. Just shows with players like Nasri and Kolarov what a bit of good man management can do. Mancini simply couldnt speak to players. I think he can take us far in that competition. Wish he would take he blinkers re demichalis off though

Question 6

What does Manchester United versus Manchester City mean to you as a fan?

Means everything. Doesnt matter what position in the league the teams are, its still the biggest game of the season. I dont live in Manchester anymore sadly but the game still means as much. Im surrounded by cockney reds so i love it when we batter them

Question 7

We have played against each other many times over the years. Which is your favourite game against us, and why?

i Could say the 6-1 but im going for the 1-0 in our title winning year. that kompany goal was so important
Question 8

Do you ever miss the atmosphere at Maine Road compared to the Etihad stadium?


Question 9

What are your predictions for the game this Sunday?

2-1 city
Ducado said:
The original post somehow got lost in the pre-match thread, I will merge the other answers into this one the guy who posted it was robbie1973

Please be civil, they are fair and honest questions

Hello, I am an admin on the Manchester United forum "United Reds", many of us moving over from Red Cafe. First of all this is not intended to be any attempt at flaming each others clubs, merely an attempt to gauge the feelings heading into Tueday nights game. This season we are doing a feature called 'Ask The Opposition', where we go on forums of opposition teams prior to the match and ask questions before posting the responses in a thread on there.

If any of you could answer any of these questions (answer as many/or as few as you want), it would be much appreciated. Our site address is <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> We will also, if you allow us to, also publish the answers to the questions as a blog and will link you guys to it. Again, if that is ok with you.

Question 1

Let’s get it out of the way, what are your thoughts on Manchester United and in particular Moyes this season who hasn't performed to the best of his abilities?

I think Moyes has made poor decisions. He went to the club and made wholesale changes when he should have tried to make the transition from bacon smoother. He has talked up the clubs history and come across a little out of his depth and bewildered when things go wrong and a little too over excited when things have gone right - which hasn't been often.

Question 2

Do you think that you are in with a good shout of winning the league?

Yes. I think we are right where we prefer to be. Behind on points, not top of the pile and with a bit less pressure. We don't seem to take well to leading things and everyone is getting giddy over Chelsea, and saying it is theirs to lose. I think that can benefit us. We have one competition and one focus. Games this week can put us in a very solid position but every game becomes high pressure now.

Question 3

Who has been your best player over the last season or so? Has there been any remarkable improvements from those who lacked certain qualities?

Best player over the season Aguero aside from injuries, Yaya and Fernandinho. They have been consistent performers. Would also say Nasri and his improvement has been incredible over the last season. Kolorov has also improved defensively and is enjoying the attacking freedom this year.

Question 4

Who is your most hated Manchester United player and why?

Rooney. He always seems to try his best to rile fans and players alike and is often in the refs ear. Takes it upon himself to be hated and I duly oblige.

Question 5

What are your thoughts about Manuel Pellegrini, is he the sort of manager who could take you to Champions league success?

A methodical and thoughtful man who is quite a contrast to Mancini, handles the press well, unites the players and has had us playing some excellent football at times. Tactically he still is learning the league and forging a squad good enough to compete with Bayern and the elite of Europe in the Champions League and also fight for domestic trophies. I believe he can take us to Champions League success as long as he maintains his principles and also tweaks tactics when we are not at our strongest.

Question 6

What does Manchester United versus Manchester City mean to you as a fan?

It is everything. For years we were the underdogs and taunted. It was our chance to show what we are about as fans and as a club and I still feel the same. A hugely important game in 2011/12 and as big a game this season, to win in the derby and close the gap to Chelsea and take that boost into Saturday at the Emirates will be vitally important.

Question 7

We have played against each other many times over the years. Which is your favourite game against us, and why?

The 6-1 was incredible. Winning in such dominance at Old Trafford is rare. The 1-0 in 2012 was fantastic as it showed the change in situations, a defensively minded united against a City side desperate to win.

Question 8

Do you ever miss the atmosphere at Maine Road compared to the Etihad stadium?

I think as time goes by things get exaggerated. We have had some fantastic occasions at the Etihad and are starting to bed in and hopefully with expansion comes a more settled and atmospheric ground. Maine Road had its occasions over the years and also some flat and quiet times. We have won things at the Etihad and as more big nights come, so too will that soul and atmosphere.

Question 9

What are your predictions for the game this Sunday?

I assume Tuesday... I think that it will be tough as always, but in terms of the two sides we will need to match your intensity and passion and if we do that our quality should win through. We will create chances I am sure, but you never know with derbys. I think we will edge it though in a tight and feisty game. 2-3 City.

I would like to thank you all for taking the time to responding to all questions and most important of all, your honesty.

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