Quitting work on the spot

Full respect to you mate for what you’ve achieved - and sorry you feel trapped. My wife gets upset at me often for replying to work emails out of hours and she’s right to… in my case it is almost like conditioning because ignoring them always made things immeasurably worse. Eventually you learn to respond because it is an easier life, and then monitoring your phone consumes you. In your case it’s likely even worse because it’s an obligation of your role rather than just something you’re implicitly penalised for.

The 3 month notice is a blocker for me too, I came across a few contracting roles in the last few weeks since I started thinking of leaving but they all required immediate starts. That’s part of the reason why I’m getting my notice in without anything lined up. I just have to back myself to find something I think.

You sound like somebody who would be hugely valuable to other teams so don’t give up looking for something new. My plan is to knock on a few friendly doors and make some enquiries. Maybe you can do the same? In my experience networking has a better success rate than just applying to roles speculatively.

Sounds like you have decided.

Let us know how it all goes.
I’ve been weighing up leaving my job for some time. In short, the CEO is an egotist. Which would be fine… many of them are and I’ve dealt with worse… problem is he is my line manager. He completely ignores me 99% of the time but when he’s got a bee in his bonnet about something the other 1% of the time he will be a totally unbearable shit.

The big issue is that that 99% of the time he ignores me is when I need things to do my role e.g., people in my team, budget, sign-off on work. It makes it impossible to functionally do a good job. Which makes it all the more galling when he pulls me up on something I’ve been asking about for months.

The final straw was last night when he sent me a long rant at 11pm on a Saturday. A long rant in which he was unhappy with something I’d done. I take huge issue with some of his reasoning about this particular thing - but his tone was deeply unpleasant and it seemed like he was honestly a bit drunk.

I’ve drafted up my resignation letter, I won’t be disrespected. I’m going to send it tomorrow as a nice early Christmas present. I don’t have anything lined up though so hold a place in the queue for me at the soup kitchen. People might advise me to wait until I have something new but I’m not waiting because I have a long notice period plus it is impacting my mental health tossing and turning at night… not to mention the principle of it.

Has anybody else taken a leap of faith and quit on the spot? Any creative suggestions for serving my notice? (Before anybody suggests it, I’m not shitting anywhere)
I walked out on a job with an IT consultancy once, many years ago. I suffered a campaign of harassment and I'd been talking to my old company about going back. However nothing was signed so it was a risk, particularly with a new baby and 3-year-old to support. Fortunately things worked out but it was scary for a month or so.

I left that company about 7 years later when the IT Director did something disrespectful. What I didn't know was that she was under threat as she'd fucked up a major contract by committing the company to pay cash for hardware rather than doing it on finance. Had I made a formal complaint I'd have probably won, but in hindsight it was the right time to leave.

So I'd go down the formal grievance route first, because he may not have the confidence of his superiors. I had to laugh as when you mentioned you were in consulting, I had a feeling it might have been an old boss of mine, but he's now retired. He could be a nightmare, particularly if he'd had a drink. Eventually he got chucked out of a top four consultancy after embarrassing himself and others in front of the whole division.

You don't know if he's being a dick because he feels under pressure and is losing it, and a complaint might be the final straw for his dismissal. If that isn't satisfactory then walk and look at a constructive dismissal claim, but that can be hard to demonstrate. Definitely keep a record of what you consider to be his unreasonable behaviour.

If you're in IT consultancy, the market isn't brilliant currently as all the big companies are making cuts, but things may look different by Easter next year. If you can negotiate a Termination agreement then you might get your payoff tax free, which would help. But go to HR first.
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I’m not cynical enough for this business stuff :) Maybe I should go into a new industry… interpretive dance or something.

I've lost count of the number of senior people I've worked with or for, whose main skills were a total absence of self awareness combined with an absolute lack of shame. I binned off consulting a few years ago, I'm poorer but there's less chance of (a) me going to hell or (b) finding myself behind bars after pleading diminished responsibility.

As others have said as satisfying as telling him to swivel would be, a dignified professional exit will ultimately screw him over more. If in your next role there's the opportunity for some of your team to follow you and exacerbate his problems so much the better.

Either way best of luck with your next step.
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Reputation is important for companies these days and especially so with social media.

I was very happy to be offered a claims handler job earlier this year but then got a really bad impression when I was asked to pop in with my passport for a right to work check. I did some Googling and they had very low ratings. On top of that, I randomly mentioned the name of the firm in the pub and a lad had worked there. Two minutes conversation and I never went in on my first day.

Do your best to stay even if it involves hating every second you’re in. Walk if you feel you can and have something else lined up.
My last role screwed me up so badly that I now willingly dangle from steep, wet slate roofs whilst helping to install solar panels. Best money I've been on too, but would sooner do what I'm doing than ever endure bullying again.
Reading all this I'm thankful I've been my own boss for 30yrs, no way could I accept having some **** ordering me about, especially in an office environment. I wouldn't last 5 minutes..!
You all have my sympathies, nobody should have to put up with it.
I actually don't like my job anymore but at least I only work when I need to, I suffer financially but my state of mind is more important.
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Stick a banana up his car exhaust as you leave. Or if you have the balls, drop a log on his office chair and push the chair under his desk. ;-)

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