R.I.P Harry Dowd

Prestwich_Blue said:
fbloke said:
My dad knew him well and would always say that as good as he was he just didnt want to be a professional footballer.

A lovely bloke by all accounts.
His son told the same story. He was our account manager at a software company we did a lot of business with and they had a box at Maine Road. We got invited to it for the Div 1 title winning game in 2002 when we beat Barnsley 5-1.

I asked Alex if his dad ever came along and he said that he didn't as he had no interest in football at all. To Harry, it was just something he happened to be good at but didn't really like whereas he loved being a plumber. Great story and not one you'd hear these days.

RIP Harry.

He was apparently asked a few years if he would have the same attitude with all the money that footballers earn nowadays.

He made the point that for him money doesnt make you happy but job satisfaction does.
RIP Harry. Really sad news, i knew Harry when i played football for Jubilee with is son Alex.
Really nice bloke was Harry.
I remember when he took over from Bert Trautmann. He was an incredibly gentle soul. Apart from the plumbing, he was very fond of ( and good at) drawing and painting, especially with water colours. RIP Harry, and condolences to all your family.
fbloke said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
fbloke said:
My dad knew him well and would always say that as good as he was he just didnt want to be a professional footballer.

A lovely bloke by all accounts.
His son told the same story. He was our account manager at a software company we did a lot of business with and they had a box at Maine Road. We got invited to it for the Div 1 title winning game in 2002 when we beat Barnsley 5-1.

I asked Alex if his dad ever came along and he said that he didn't as he had no interest in football at all. To Harry, it was just something he happened to be good at but didn't really like whereas he loved being a plumber. Great story and not one you'd hear these days.

RIP Harry.

He was apparently asked a few years if he would have the same attitude with all the money that footballers earn nowadays.

He made the point that for him money doesnt make you happy but job satisfaction does.

Mike Summerbee used to say that all he was interested in was plumbing! During team talks Joe Mercer used to break into Harry's daydreams with remarks like, " have you got that straight, Harry? Arsenal are in the red. We're the ones in blue."

Always remember the '69 cup final, the day before my 21st, and such sad news that one who was a part of such a great team while at the same time such a modest, unassuming bloke is no longer with us.
During the 1960s, I was one of the handful of kids you'd always see hanging around Maine Road on weekday mornings waiting to get autographs from the players. One of the first times I went was during the school summer holidays on the first day the players reported back for training after the break. I can remember that three or four of us were crowded round Harry as he walked to his car and we had him scribbling his name on the various photo clippings we had of him in our scrapbooks. I remember that he was in conversation with Peter Gardner from the Manchester Evening News and he was moaning, in a fairly good natured way, about his mother-in-law ... that was the gist of their conversation anyway. It sounds inane but that was such a revelation to a a 10 or 11-year-old or however old I was then ... the idea that players were real people with ordinary lives! Daft, but it has stayed with me all these years.

Harry was a big favorite with City fans. He lost his place to a lad called Ken Mulhearn at one point ... and the only thing I can remember about him was a misprint in the Football Pink that had the line in the match report that "Mulhearn dived full length to save a rocket of a shit."

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