R.I.P Maine Road :( (Moments)

Yeah. I miss that place so much! You still get the adrenaline at CoMS, but nowhere near as much as you did at Maine Road, something about the ground, feeling the history and everything that happened there. IMMENSE
when i was roughly 13-14 against birmingham!! rob the blob taylor scored and we won 1-0!! It was one of the last games of the season an prettymuch won us promotion!!

At final whistle everyone invaded the pitch and ran across from the maine stand to the Kippax where my dad and grandad were!!

dunno why it always sticks in my mind, maine stand was like the north stand that day, everyone stood up the whole match!!! AMAZING I LOVED IT!!!
Getting in for nowt :-) as my Aunty was a St John's Ambulance person.

Sitting in the Northstand midweek near Big Helen and watching Rodney M curse at top volume
when he missed a chance.
I have 2 big ones from maine road that i remember coz i was only small and didnt have a season ticket at the time, it was against grimsby in like division 2 and i stood on a seat next to the away fans in the gene kelly stand with my pack a mack and telling them to shut up and bring it on and i that was when i was only 3 foot tall, my other memory was winning the division 1 with keegan n again in the gene kelly stand with loads of flags singing bluemoon the whole time and stuff. we always used to put blue moon the rocky version in the car and play it over and over until we got ther then them kids would come up and get a bit of money to "watch the car" as it was called but Maine Road was my original spiritual home and also andy morrison was my favourite player and i still wear the number 5 today because of him and i also specialise in heading coz of him. Maine road always.
Gran lived in Dalton Ave (behind Platt Lane end). Used to hang around outside the ground with our kid waiting for the players to turn up for training to get autographs. Bell had an E-Type jag, Franny had a big jag. Always signed autographs, had a word. Matchdays, lurking around looking for a chance to sneak in. Those bloody huge white police horses. Getting in at 3/4 time when they opened the gates. Hammering on that bloody great blue door, and the old fella who used to sit just inside, who used to open the smaller door within it. Legging it like buggery into the main stand as he hurled abuse at us. Being hidden by the fans inside. Getting through the turnstiles on hands and knees shielded by helpful strangers. Floodlights lighting up my bedroom when we stayed at my grans. Hey ho, them were the days.
Re: R.I.P Maine Road :( Moments

Duphrates said:
As previously mentioned - the rite of passage to 'Crazy Corner' in the Kippax.

However looking at that photo, the thing I miss most is the walk through all the terraced house roads and down the ginnels to get to the ground. The hairs used to stand on the back of my neck and the heart pumped that little bit faster with every corner turned, bringing the stadium into view. A glimpse of a flood light, a white arch from the main stand, then a whole stand. All the while the crowds getting busier and the noise and atmosphere rising. You don't really get that with COMS. It's impressive and all that but it's like it's plonked in the middle of nowhere. There was more of a sense of 'going home' at Maine Road.

Exactly this. I loved that walk, sometimes being a bit bevvied up made it a little bit harder but the anticipation and the conversations on the way to Maine Road through back streets and past chippy's... Nothing like it. I loved the night games too in the winter. Remember freezing my ass off one game in the North Stand against Leicester in the Prem under Royle. Fooking painful it was and I think the jammy bastards got the 3 points.

"Haaaaaalf time DRAW tickets!!!!!"
Started going 1959 as a ten yr old with my mates and no adults, two buses and a walk across town to Aytoun street for the football specials. The good old days when you could do that. Always in the North Stand at the scoreboard, god we loved it.

It must have stuck. My ST is in roughly the same place at the back of the North Stand lower now. At least we don't get soaked now.

I missed three games the year we won the title and it still is possibly the best overall year I ever had. Sad bastard eh?

It's only taken 40 years to get that feeling back. Come on you blues!!!!
Getting beat by Liverpool 0-4 my first game
Sitting in Platt Lane on the benches
Colin Bell's comeback
AC Milan UEFA game. Under lights, I was twelve.
Trevor Francis first game
Standing on the Kippax with my mates
The walk through the streets and ginnels
Relegation against Luton
5-1 Charlton
10-1 Huddersfield
5-1 Rags
Coming back from 0-1 down with 2 mins to go and win 2-1 against Oxford
Quinny in goal
Rocky down touchline
Vonky's goals then game call off
Spurs cup game
Rosler's 2nd in 6-0 win over Swindon
Kinkys goal v Soton
Being in the North Stand while Kippax was being rebuilt
Last game what a day.
The sell off. Sad Sad Sad

I loved that place.

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