R.I.P to the 23 lost in Munich

WNRH said:
Why is this any different from clapping on ten minutes for Neil Young's 2nd anniversary?

Deaths are becoming a competition nowadays to see how people can mourn the best.

I was going to begin to explain the difference between fans remembering a fallen player and fifty something years of hypocritical, self serving propaganda but I can't be arsed.
rip to all that perished in the crash.

plus a special mention the the 146 that perished (most of them from manchester.) in tenerife Dan-Air Flight 1008 in 1980.

one chap from fallowfield lost 3 daughters.
Sums up the club when their own fans had to throw paint at the memorial to cover the AIG sponsorship.

One of the few times I felt sympathy for their fans
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
spam1967 said:
rip to all that perished in the crash.

plus a special mention the the 146 that perished (most of them from manchester.) in tenerife Dan-Air Flight 1008 in 1980.

one chap from fallowfield lost 3 daughters.

My friends uncle was on that flight.....

they'll all have to get a special mention on the 25th of april.
spam1967 said:
rip to all that perished in the crash.

plus a special mention the the 146 that perished (most of them from manchester.) in tenerife Dan-Air Flight 1008 in 1980.

one chap from fallowfield lost 3 daughters.

Strangely i was talking to my boss a month or so back about that Tenerife air crash . He lost this auntie and uncle on it .
Tha muen did a anniversary article on the crash a few years back . They reported that the crash scene had not been cleared thoroughly and that there was still human remains that had not been cleared .
Think they buried the majority together in a mass grave Southern Cem .
spam1967 said:
rip to all that perished in the crash.

plus a special mention the the 146 that perished (most of them from manchester.) in tenerife Dan-Air Flight 1008 in 1980.

one chap from fallowfield lost 3 daughters.

And that is my objection to the continued hand wringing and crocodile tears over Munich. There have sadly been many tragic incidents where lives have been lost which never get a mention, the rags had a so called Charity match for the victims families (remember the one, c*ntona charged them a huge amount to appear) 40+ years after the event, not that they were milking it or anything and yet the families of the Tenerife disaster were left/made to get on with it. The Bradford fire took the lives of many football fans but you wont see one article about that in the main stream news.
It is time to move on from Munich or we will be celebrating the 250th anniversary and people will still be stood outside the swamp with hankies to their wallets, sorry eyes.
plattlaneregular said:
BlueMo' said:
They're just like the scousers whom they purport to hate.


That looks more like American servicemen than scousers or Rags???

Nah...Barry Manilow gig.

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