Racism is racism

goatinho said:
i fuckin despair at some people these days.
argie ****
spanish twat
french fucker
who gives a fuck
who is it hurting?
And would it hurt you to refrain from using terms of abuse that the player may not hear but would cause offence to other City fans?
Vic said:
goatinho said:
i fuckin despair at some people these days.
argie ****
spanish twat
french fucker
who gives a fuck
who is it hurting?
And would it hurt you to refrain from using terms of abuse that the player may not hear but would cause offence to other City fans?
To be honest, abusing any City player is likely to cause offence to some City fans.
And it's obvious the term "Racist" isn't fully understood by the average man/woman in the street.

But arguing the toss about it on an internet forum with others who don't know what it means and how other people perceive it is making huge strides in race relations.

Written by an English white **** who may or may not be a Twat.
Vic said:
goatinho said:
i fuckin despair at some people these days.
argie ****
spanish twat
french fucker
who gives a fuck
who is it hurting?
And would it hurt you to refrain from using terms of abuse that the player may not hear but would cause offence to other City fans?
So thats all the swearing out then we'll have a halo floating over the ground.
goatinho said:
i fuckin despair at some people these days.
argie ****
spanish twat
french fucker
who gives a fuck
who is it hurting?
do you really think tevez/ballotelli/any one with even one bollock would take offence to it?
call me an english twat , or for that matter a fucking honky i really do not give a fuck.
get over it.
are we allowed to call any one anything these days with out someone taking offence to it (which usually isnt even the person being called!)
can we call some ones mum a slag?
can we call some one a spotty twat?
big nose?
fat arse?
what if we dont like someone? are we not allowed to say anything in case we offend them?
"excuse me sir but i really dont like you" is that ok????
fuck me some people really are mard arses

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will be free to verbally abuse whoever they want in any way they see fit.
nevilletogoater-in said:
I don't understand what the Op's problem is. Aren't we the same football club that used to sing

His neckscar proved he lost his head
tevez, Tevez
He'll never shag a sexy bird
Tevez, Tevez
The argie twat, the ugly ****, they've sawn his head on back to front
Carlos Tevez herman munster head

Now we're complaining that referring to someone as an Argie **** is racist. Granted it probably is but talk about double fucking standards

Shouting Argie what ever is just a fucking retarded thing to do anyway....... Im sure Zabba and sergio see it's nothing and don really care...
SWP's back said:
stonerblue said:
goatinho said:
i fuckin despair at some people these days.
argie ****
spanish twat
french fucker
who gives a fuck
who is it hurting?
do you really think tevez/ballotelli/any one with even one bollock would take offence to it?
call me an english twat , or for that matter a fucking honky i really do not give a fuck.
get over it.
are we allowed to call any one anything these days with out someone taking offence to it (which usually isnt even the person being called!)
can we call some ones mum a slag?
can we call some one a spotty twat?
big nose?
fat arse?
what if we dont like someone? are we not allowed to say anything in case we offend them?
"excuse me sir but i really dont like you" is that ok????
fuck me some people really are mard arses

Why can't someone just be a 'twat'?
Why bring up their country of birth, complexion or arse size?
If someone pisses you off so much that you wanna be derogatory about them then 'fuck off you dick' usually does the trick.
You've honestly never called someone a "[insert descriptive word] fuck/twat]" before?


get off your horse. You've been on it all weekend.
stonerblue said:
SWP's back said:
stonerblue said:
Why can't someone just be a 'twat'?
Why bring up their country of birth, complexion or arse size?
If someone pisses you off so much that you wanna be derogatory about them then 'fuck off you dick' usually does the trick.
You've honestly never called someone a "[insert descriptive word] fuck/twat]" before?


get off your horse. You've been on it all weekend.
I think you will find it is you on a high horse under any definititon. You are the one saying you've never called anyone a "fat/ginger/dopeyscouse/cockney ****".
How come my thread on what happened to my friends was pulled? So its not racism if it happens to you but only to players?
As I just said in another thread (that seems to have gone) we seem to be having a daily thread on racism. Is there definitely a problem with Blues?

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