Racism is racism

Thenumber1blue said:
I am thinking of this yes but most of the time the stewards see but ignore.

-- Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:41 pm --

Dubai Blue said:
Thenumber1blue said:
So the red faced alcoholic twat in 220 yesterday,shoutin Argie **** is still racism and wont help us and the wanker in the same block near the front that every week shouts Dego ,Irish ****,Italian this spick that,erm that is also racism if you come on here.I just cant listen to some of our fans nowadays they think this is ok as they are not using the words black or paki.Coupled with some of the shit they spout.
While the person in question is undoubtedly an idiot, calling someone an 'Argie/Irish ****' is not racism. Twattism, yes, but not racism.
No,it's racism.

If I call somebody a ****, am I being sexist?
SWP's back said:
argyle said:
In British law, any abuse, discrimination etc on grounds of race, nationality etc, is considered racism.

The racism term is now all encompassing for abuse on these grounds.

People saying it isn't are splitting hairs.
Would like to see that law change you meantion.

I think he could be asked to leave on grounds of acts in Public Order Act 1986 - part3: section 18 - prohibits, by its Part 3, expressions of racial hatred, which is defined as hatred against a group of persons by reason of the group's colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins.

Others have alluded to the Race Relations Act 1976 - superseded by the Equality Act 2010. However this concerns the situation when someone has discriminated on grounds of race, nationality, etc.

Others have said what if you call an Irish friend a 'paddy' etc. Well the law takes into account the context of how and where things are said.

It's clear this guy wasn't saying it in a friendly context.

I'm also not saying that this guy should be prosecuted or something, but maybe a steward could give him a warning to tone it down.
Actually yesterday in 142 where I sit ,when balotelli was squabbling with kolarov a nobhead jumps up and shouts fuck off back to Italy you black **** so I jumped up and told the guy to say it again and told him I'd drag him outside and weigh him in straight away the guy shit himself and started apologising unfortunately by this time my temper had gone so I went for him
Straight away got surrounded by stewards and police who took me on the concourse and asked what had happened and calmed me down by that time various people had come out of the crowd to back me up including stewards who know me, the guy got arrested and the stewards confirmed the prick is banned for life
I'm not a violent man but I truly believe that evil flourishes when people say or do nothing
Not a violent man but went for him anyway Hmmm
I would classify a man who goes for someone with a differnet opinion, Violent (whether his opinion is right or wrong)
Perhaps but I'm just not having it I take no pride whatsoever in my reaction but if someone can say that they must be man enough to accept the repercussions
tbf i am not a racist and think it should be eradicated from the game all together but saying a racist remark does not necassarily make a person racist. for example calling someone a diving black twat doesnt mean the person has a problem with hthe person because of his skin colour its because he dives. racism is when people soley abuse someone because of their colour and not their actions. whilst i feel that mentioning someones skin colour during an arguement is wrong, what is the major difference between calling someone a black diving twat or a scouse diving twat or even a ginger diving twat. the point im making is that we do need to ban forms all forms of racism but also abuse because to me there is not much difference in these examples. But when a person is soley called or disliked because of their skin colour or even sexuality that is where the problem lies.
SWP's back said:
prairiemoon said:
FFs, Argie **** isn't any more or less racist that black ****. They both are prejudicial.

It is prejudice that should be addressed.

The title of this thread should be, " Racism is Prejudice"

Absolute poppy cock.

Black **** and argie **** are in no way comparable.

And whilst all racism is prejudice, not all prejudice is racism
if we are talking about two different cunts surely they are comparable?

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